Dec 16, 2009 17:53
How to make certain words seem fresh? I.E drugs, sleep, he, they, she, nostalgia, memories, naïve….
It is not a case of a thesaurus, the difference between the right word and the nearly right word as the saying goes…using a replacement doesn’t really help the conciseness either. So, context…create a new surrounding asunder, to mix and brew the words, drip them in a fluid now/newness. Natural. Less punctuation, grammar. For example, that got a green line under it. Less punctuation, grammar. Yet, it less fussy, slightly wrong pedantically, yet you know what I mean. If it hinders or slows down or becomes flashy or too knowing; can become a crutch, and not one that improves your ‘walk’ with words.
For example : Love.
I know only of the love that I speak, that I know and feel, not others, I cannot unify/unite/reconcile that out of others using the same word.
The beat seems to be the natural precursor, Germanic repetition also, mundane turned around into a new, seeping light. A torch on a spider in a cave. Problems with cliques still. Need another voice other than the godforsaken omnipresent bitch-voiced one in my head. It seems to have got more nascent through the years. Soon it’ll just sound like a farm-yard animal.
Sci-y ideas
People speed up when they reach the city (people) and slowing down when they reach the country lanes (animals).
Some grounded basis of evidence impinged by lyricism.
Noted: No psychiatric care/little to none in poor developing countries yet suffers actually seem to fare worse in some cases in the western world with psychiatric care and/or drugs/intense regimes.
The inherent problem R.E photographs (of people). When people used to die, they died. Easier concept. Anyway, lots more there.
The less people there are, the more special we become. Problem.
Population/environment/religion/war. Human story. Slightly in future. Religion overtaken by serendipities/occult/coincidences/whatever is still unexplained by science?
Inexhaustible plains up/down the horizons frame.