Dec 16, 2009 01:38
'She was at once dark and light. A ******* effect that was instantly captivating to the eye. There were blushes of rouge with glitter, there was stars and stripes at my window. Technicolor. She was petite but diametrically perfect, although I shudder to use such a mechanical and scientific word. Years of science for the sake of it has reduced mankind to counting the slight oblique differences in genes to be able to identify what makes a female a woman and vice-versa as well as their difference to man. I don’t want catalogue references, I want lost, vibrant, roses. This woman could make me forget the word, let alone the supposed meanings. Her calf-like eyes were now inducing myriad responses in my inner being, the innocence in her pupils seemed to betray her stance. I did not know how the fuck I was standing but she was stood as if she had met everyone else in the world before me, imposing but framed within such an exquisite little body…her mouth…well her mouth told me everything. I knew I would see it in my final days then and I was 16 at the time. It curled upwards at the seams, inviting your eyes towards more of her face (which seemed both small and endless, two things I had never realised a face could contain until that very moment) as oppose to jumping right in and doing something both foolhardy and unimpressive. We hadn’t even talked yet.'
know i could do a definitive version of this meeting, and will do. move it forward. gods sake!