she changes everything she touches

Aug 29, 2009 20:39

what a summer!
i've got LOTS of big bombs of news to drop. all good. all huge.

the best, most delicious, most exciting news is that WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is a wee peanut growing in my belly!
we are beyond elated.
we tried for over 3 years. we spent the winter going to fertility specialists and having the gamut of invasive tests done.
and in the end all it took was me leaving my terribly stressful job and loading hubby up with maca.
we are 3 months pregnant and as of today i am in my second trimester!
a wonderful wee baby is due right near my 38th birthday in march of 2010.
we couldn't be happier.
we took 3 pregnancy tests cuz when ya've been trying and trying and then it finally happens ya just wanna keep making sure it's true. and i tell ya, i LOVE peeing on a stick when i get the answer i want! seeing those double lines is so fantastically exciting!

we've had so much fun sharing the news with everyone. that's been the best part. the reactions of our loved ones has been so lovely and often hilarious. we are giving both of our parent's their first grand-baby so you can imagine the reactions from them.

so far my pregnancy has been pretty good. i didn't have any morning sickness. (whew!)
i had about 2 weeks of constant nausea. crystallized ginger became my new best friend.
now i just get lots of heartburn so now tums are my new bff.
the only symptom that has totally knocked me off my feet is the extreme fatigue.
holy-moly. some days i can barely hold my head up.
oh and the symptom hubby loves the most are my boobs! man! they are big! okay, big for me. they distract me all the time! i love 'em!

these have been my cravings thus far:
*juicy, drippy fruits like nectarines, plums, peaches and pears
*chicken caesar salad

one day i drove home from work and i swear to god, the vents in the car were emitting the luxurious scent of oatmeal peanut butter muffins!
i ran into the house looking to see if we had the ingredients to make them and then by the time i searched online for a recipe, the craving was gone.

the funniest moment so far has been when we went for our first ultrasound. i had to drink 4 glasses of water in one hour and hold it for an hour before the test.
well the 20 min drive to town was so excruciating that scout had to pull over into a parking lot on the side of the country road and i peed beside a delivery van that i realized right after had one of the delivery guys i used to work with at harmony.
funny, but so painful! i'm pretty amazed that i didn't wet myself.

hearing our babies heartbeat for the first time was the most surreal experience ever. i felt like i was watching us on a tv show or something. we both just cried and cried with these huge goofy grins on our faces. it was incredible. nothing like it.

okay, now for the shocking news #2.....

we are moving.
we are moving to london (ontario).
we are moving in with my parents.

so many, many reasons for it and everything seems to be pointing to it being the right decision.
we have SO MUCH to figure out before then and it's been so overwhelming. but we are thinking positive that everything comes together and all works out perfectly.
we only have 2 months to get it all figured out.
i just wanna be there, settled and able to just prep for the birth of our darling baby.
these 2 months will race by i'm sure so it'll be soon enough.

we are going to miss the country so much. we've had such an amazing experience out here and are we ever going to miss those who have touched our lives in such a magical way.
but it's time to do what's best for our little family.
time to grow-up, take responsibility and get our act together.
it feels good.
feels like we are finally in a forward motion as opposed to this stagnant, stuck feeling.
i'm terrified and beyond excited all at the same time.

2009 has been quite the year of severe changes for me.
a big change at my job at harmony back in the beginning of april seemed like the most devastating thing ever and has turned out to be such a blessing in disguise.
everything that we've wanted to happen has been coming together.
the universe sure works in profound and mysterious ways and for that, i am truly grateful.

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