rough week

Feb 18, 2009 18:20

let's see...i had the mother of one of my 16 yr old employees call me at home on sunday night during dinner time to attack me and treat me like crap for 45min. yes, i know i should have hung up. but i didn't. it was terrible.
this of course is after dealing with her badly behaved daughter for the last 3 days of my four day wkend.
the girl FINALLY quit last night. after apparently trying desperately to get me into trouble. (she was going to be fired on friday night but weaseled her way out of it)
then today i'm told that she's calling me horrible names and bad-mouthing me.
gosh, i so know enough to not take any of it personally, but man, it is NOT easy.
i was soooo good to this girl on so many levels. i gave her chance after chance.
oh man. whaddya gonna do?
all a part of the nasty business of being a manager, i guess.
man, i so don't get paid enough for this crap.
and of course didn't get paid for being attacked in my own home on my day off.

oh i wish i could just let it all go.
just move on, move forward and go about my business.
i just feel like i've been beaten up a little bit.

i'm looking forward to going to see my family on the wkend. at least there is no way for anyone from work to get a hold of me.

and then of course there is the oscars to look forward to and the knowledge that my beautiful edward is supposed to make an appearance. le sigh

okay, time for some deep, cleansing breaths and to focus on the important things in life.
like my crochet sweat shop that needs to take place now until late friday night....
1, 2, 3...CROCHET!!!!

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