Feb 22, 2008 23:29
Today was a nice day. I spent it shopping with a friend for a new laptop he wants to purchase. I think we got it narrowed down to a low end Toshiba. Should meet his needs and then some. It has a lovely screen as well. He'll go back and purchase it in a couple of weeks when he has the money in place. In return, I drug him all over Little Rock looking for a couple of pieces of clothing for the cruise, a few books, and sunscreen. We had a nice lunch at Taco Bueno. It was good to get out the house and have some company for a while.
After he headed home, I went grocery shopping. Good times.... lol.
This evening, I broke out the suitcase and started sorting through the summer things I wanted to pack for the cruise. We are leaving a week from tomorrow. I will be glad when it gets here. I still have to get the kids stuff sorted out and make sure mom and Marc are ready to take them on with little fuss.
Tomorrow is Timmy's last Basketball game. He's enjoyed it, but I don't think its really his thing. He and Becca wanna play Baseball/ softball this spring. We'll see how that goes.
navel gazing,
family life