Rest of the weekend update...

Dec 10, 2007 02:18

Saturday was indeed as busy as it promised to be. I was up by 7:40 to get ready and head to Pine Bluff. I got Becca up and dressed, telling her I need for her to do me a special favor and I would tell her what it was later on. We left the house about 9:00.

Becca and I hang out at the clubhouse for an hour with several of the members waiting for the line up at the high school. Making plans for the evening and generally getting ready to go. She and I follow them to the school where the larger line up for the Pine Bluff Blue Knights Toy Run is meeting. We had about 6 bikes pull out and joined about 100 bikes from the community. Not too shabby a turn out.

We walked around and visited for a while. After doing the motorcycle thing in Pine Bluff for about 4 years, I know a surprising number of people. So this is a good chance to meet up with old friends and visit for a bit. I was reminded once again at what a small town it is, since many of them already knew about me being elected President of ABATE. The vibe was mostly positive, so that was good.

I took a bunch of pictures as they pulled out and then Becca and I went to my mother's house. She was joining us for the trip to the theater. She'd bought Becca some lunch to tide her over, so Becca jumped right on that when we got there. After a slight delay involving copious amounts of dog poo spread across the carpet, we got in the car to leave. At this point, Becca still doesn't know where we are going. So, I get mom to read her the tickets while a take a picture. She was so surprised! It was great...

The play was in Little Rock at the Robinson Music Center. Very neat, old building in downtown Little Rock, in the River Market District. There were about a million 8 to 12 year old girls there to see the play, but they were for the most part was surprisingly well behaved. We got to our seats about 15 minutes before the show started. I'd just gotten balcony seats, but they were fine. We could see quite well. The play, High School Musical, was actually pretty cute. I liked it better than the movie, anyway. Becca was just beside herself. When the show was over, she looked at my mom and me and said, "This is the best Christmas Present EVER." What more could you ask for?

By the time we had retrieved the car and gotten on the road to Benton, it was pushing 5 pm. Becca and mom had decided that she would spend the night at mom's house, so not only did I need to grab clothes, so did Becca. We quickly got what we needed and stopped for some fast food and then were on the road again. (Trite, but true... if I am what I eat, I am cheap and easy these days...) I dropped mom and Becca off at 6:30 and made my way back to the clubhouse.

The Christmas party was a lot of fun. Good food, hanging out and visiting. Lots of laughing. The Dirty Santa gift exchange this year went really well. Much better than last year, with a nice amount of stealing of presents, good gifts over all and a hilarious number of Penguin Gift bags. lol... my obsession is well known.
We ended the night around a bonfire, talking about the issues that have come up from the election and what we would like do to with the coming year. Its a good group... I genuinely like them as people as well as a group. The level of drama outside this core group... I could do without that. But have decided that unless someone comes directly to me with an issue, I am going to act as if it doesn't exist. I refuse to deal with people who are that immature.

I was actually at mom's door about midnight. Cue instant memory of a hundred Saturday night curfews. Luckily, grounding is no longer an option. lol...

Sunday saw some hanging out with mom and Mikayla and my sister, but Becca and I were in the car heading home by 10:30. We called Dave and then stopped to grab lunch for everyone. The day wrapped up with grocery shopping, tidying, more Christmas decorating (found another box of penguins. lol... I swear the little suckers are breeding in there!), making dinner, dyeing Devin's hair and then mine.

It's 2:40 in the morning here... I can't sleep because I have picked up a wretched cough from being out in all kinds of weather these last couple of days. I don't want to keep Dave awake, so I am downstairs hoping the cough meds will kick in soon. I don't have time to be sick... of course.

This week is just as busy as last. Tonight is Timmy's school play, Tuesday he has basketball, Wednesday we are going to my mom's to decorate for Christmas and have a family tree trimming party, Thursday is Devin's concert for Band, and Friday I am heading to Dallas for a couple days of shopping, visiting with friends and just getting away. Looking forward to hopefully seeing several of my LJ friends there... Should be there through Monday, I think. Need to confirm my weekend accommodations.

weekend update, becca, christmas, theater, dallas, abate

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