End of summer update

Sep 06, 2011 18:25

So, a bit of an update then?

Last Team ended well, all those who took part got a great deal out of being at the Presentation I feel. I got a little weepy which my Team found amusing :) I also got flowers and many comments on my little speech - I forget they don't know the performer side of me! Giving a speech was the bit I was least concerned with!

A couple of weeks of glorious much-needed bumming around, resting lots and seeing friends.

Two weeks working alternately at Pendennis and Portland Castles. This was lots of fun. It alieviated a lot of what was missing in my year from not being able to partake in Southsea this year. It was also completely different however. Entertaining the public's children rather than educating school kids, so as performers we were in this middle ground of character where we werent in character the whole time as Southsea, but we weren't just modern people in kit explaining stuff either. There were training schools, storytelling and battles.
Basically as long as the public were happy and entertained, we were doing our job.
I was there to promote the female side of things and be a less threatening figure for any shyer girls and boys. It worked too! Especially at the pirate gig, there were some children too young or just too shy to be able to deal with our 3 male pirates and all their buckling swashes, so in I crept until they were happily pointing plastic cutlasses at me, or in one particular case, smacking me on the bottom with it before running away and demanding I chase them! And no, that wasn't Martin, it was a little boy who shortly before that had been in tears when asked if he wanted to take part in the pirate training!
Being in Falmouth meant I got to see the ever awesome jessiroarrrwhen she came to visit for an afternoon and stayed for two days :)

It was also exhausting and heavy on the travel, so I was quite glad to get home and have two weeks before work started again. That time was mostly spent... bumming around and relaxing lots! :) 
Until I got ill last Thursday :( In what must be a contender for worst timing ever! Six weeks off work and I get ill just scant days before I'm due back! It's been a doozy too, temperature, lymph nodes like marbles, cough (with associated insomnia and exploding pain from pressure in head), wheezy breathing, sneezing, sniffing blah blah snotty blah.

It also aroused my work paranoia/anxiety and I couldn't shake the stupid and irrational thought that people would think I was just extending my holiday and not really sick and had that stupid "how sick are you really? could you go into work if you just manned the fuck up?" debate going on. A debate i can never answer.

So today I went into work, lasted just over 2 hours and had to come home again, but I'm glad I went as it showed willing, showed I was sick (?! Seriously head, you need to stop it with this kind of crap!), and also showed me that "work tania" is still alive and active, she was just on holiday for 6 weeks!
Very much now looking forward to being completely well so I can get back to work properly as it's all looking a bit scary at the moment, but I know that's because most of me is still tackling the lurgy.
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