Mar 27, 2011 16:01

Yesterday I decided that a spring clean was desperately needed.
Some 4 or 5 hours later and I have a clean and tidy hallway - this was a VERY BRAVE choice as it involved the fear that spiders may be living among the neglected footwear. Several old icky items were chucked and the rest arranged properly and neatly.
I found fairylights which I put in the bathroom along with candles to tempt me into have relaxing baths more often.
The kitchen was next, and although I stopped short of cleaning the cupboards and tops of cupboards properly, I cleaned everything my short arse status would reach and tidied up. About half done I reckon, but I need help with the rest, so it can wait for Hubby to be in the mood for a spring clean too.
Bathroom and the attempt of getting rid of mould. After nearly gassing myself with the mould spray, I managed to clear the mould from the tiles etc round the bath, although there's some grout and sealant that's just beyond saving now, sealed up the hole in the wall with brown parcel tape (yeah, not pretty, but might stop extra moisture getting in there and rotting the wall even further) and made an attempt at cleaning the wallpaper. That will take more energy and wipes than I currently have, besides, as that's my second attempt at bathroom mould, I'm sure it's Martin's turn next!!
Some rearranging later and I now have a pretty bathroom with candles and fairylights and a bath pillow that is very almost a pleasure to take a relaxing bath in! More testing on that theory will happen this week.

So, bedroom and living room left. The two messiest, crap filled rooms in the flat that will need a huge sorting attempt. There are two many different types of piles of stuff to go through for it to be a one person afternoon job. Paperwork needs to be sorted through, larp and camping gear sorted, books and assorted media and so it goes on. I'm hoping and planning to tackle just one pile at a time with the hubby and together figure out what to chuck, what to keep and store it tidily.

I have this strange belief that until our current home is as nice as it can be (having disliked living here for quite a while, we stopped caring for it) - we won't be able to move into a nicer home. We have to prove we can look after this place before we are given a new one :)

Today I tidied the living room up a bit, covered two of the worst areas with throws! Put more things on eBay, less and less each week I'm finding as I get bored with it, but I'm getting near the amount I need to buy either Druid Camp ticket or a Kindle. I'm now going to have a pot of tea and a bowl of popcorn and something trashy on the telly while I fill out the census.
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