Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Summary: Ennis and Jack are working as counselors on a children's camp for the summer. Their meeting on the first evening on the camp leads to a friendship neither had expected,
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***Instead of answering, Ennis found himself staring at the deepest blue eyes he had ever seen in his life. Even underneath the dark rim of Jack’s cap they were clear and vivid like glistening gems, the warm smile on Jack’s face reflected in the bright blue abyss of Jack’s eyes. With the maximum of effort, he finally answered Jack.****
Aww....And I just loved Jack's moaning about the bed, so....Jack! I liked their joining together in a little secret too...breaking the rules...and Ennis looking out for Jack, by giving him one of his cigarettes, allowing him to keep his own. And of course their little chat. And Ennis who doesn't like people being friendly towards him... seems very relaxed around Jack. This scene sounds lovely..
***They both walked in silence for a while, slowing down as they heard the lapping of the water against the grassy shore. Ennis stopped and looked up. He saw a million and one stars, and felt like he could reach out and touch every one. He could sense Jack watching him, and he didn’t mind.***
Yes, you have set the scene lovely....I can't wait for the kids to arrive now..and their daily routine begin. Oh yeah. And Jack in a swimsuit...won't mind that either........hehehehe
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