Shingeki no EXO (3.1)

Nov 10, 2014 00:52

Pairings: kaisoo (kind of)
Rating: pg-13
Summary: shingeki no kyojin AU (this is me not having an actual summary sorry)
A/N: cross-posting.

Despite the people’s consensus that the Survey Corps is just an open faucet of government funds, getting wasted on fattening the titans without any tangible proof of their progress in their name of humanity, Kyungsoo finds that there is always something to do. Whether they are going on expeditions, running tests on their captured specimen or simply filling out the pertinent paperwork for their mandatory reports to the King, there is rarely a moment of idleness within their branch of the army.

Kyungsoo does not mind the paperwork, and even the occasional helping Chanyeol with his experiments on Egg is not so bad when he compares it to the expeditions. He wonders if the scars on his body will ever compete in number to the ones in his mind. He has watched grown men wail desperately and piss their pants at the sight of the titans and friendly comrades become nothing but a rogue limb among those scattered through the open fields after a titan had them as a meal. And yet he gets to survive, gets to live through another day of monotony and paperwork. Even Sehun and Baekhyun have lost some of their enthusiasm, their jokes quieting down the moment they have to step outside the wall.

There is a new expedition looming in the distance, and it is something he does not feel particularly excited about.

The plan is to assess the damage to Wall Maria, done during the last attack from the titans. The air is tense inside Wall Rose, with the refugees the outer wall creating a food shortage that had many turning to violent methods to ensure their bellies would not go empty that day. Even after the expedition to retake Wall Maria (which was really just a gentler name for getting rid of part of the burden by sending people out to their deaths) the shortage is well felt by inhabitants within the remaining two walls. This time the order comes directly from the King, who has requested the Survey Corps find a way to plug the gaping hole in Wall Maria in order to relocate the refugees back to their own lands.

Their main mission: escorting two of the best engineers in the kingdom-Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok, both conveniently part of the Stationary Guard within the army forces-all the way to the edge of the wall so that they may make calculations and find a way to cover the hole once and for all.

Both men arrive to the Survey Corps barracks two days before the expedition date, looking barely a few years older than Kyungsoo himself, one with almond-shaped eyes and a calm demeanor while the other had playful expression and a mouth perpetually curled into a cat-like grin. Their jackets and cloaks sported the red roses of the Stationary Guard, but they fit right in with ease, calling the Commander by first name and talking to some of the Team Leaders, like the baby-faced expert on snares Lu Han (who Kyungsoo later learned was much older than him, much to his surprise) who snagged one of them in a tight hug, just like old friends.

Dinner that night is a merry and relaxed event, despite the expedition looming over their heads. Kyungsoo sits with Baekhyun, Sehun and Tao but cannot focus on their conversation at all, too busy stealing glances at the once stoic and scary-looking Commander getting owned by Kim Jongdae snarky tongue, laughing along with the Squad Leaders and the newcomers despite being the butt of their jokes.

“They all trained together,” Tao says, startling Kyungsoo.

“What?” Kyungsoo replies startled.

“That’s what’s got you all confused, isn’t it?” The brooding Squad Leader butters a piece of bread and takes a bite. “That’s why Commander Kris is so friendly with them.”

“And you?” Baekhyun pipes up. “Why aren’t you sitting with them?”

“I didn’t join the Trainee Corps until a year after they did,” Tao explains. “I lived down the same street as the Commander, you know? I used to idolize him, and would’ve followed him to the army as soon as he joined but my parents forbade it, telling me to take a year to think about it before finally allowing me to come.”

“So you’re not friends with them,” Sehun deadpans.

“I am!,” Tao exclaims, “but I like talking to you.”

Sehun blushes, but says nothing, stuffing his face with stew.

“What about Corporal Kai?” Kyungsoo asks.

“Actually,” Tao begins, “he didn’t train with anybody.”


“Can you actually do that?” Sehun asks, flabbergasted.

Tao makes a face, and eats a spoonful of stew to win some time before replying.

“It is really not my story to tell.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes find the Corporal among the crowd. He is sitting close to the Commander’s table, listening intently to Chanyeol’s excited chatter. He seems to sense Kyungsoo’s eyes on him because he turns to look at him, sending him a questioning look that makes Kyungsoo look away quickly, heat creeping up his face at getting caught.

Thankfully this time Sehun is too preoccupied trying to pry Tao for information on the Corporal to notice, but Baekhyun does. Kyungsoo eats his soup, avoiding his friend’s curious eyes.

They leave at daybreak, engineers and supply carts carefully concealed within center of the group. They ride for hours, the carefully crafted formation allowing them to avoid encounters with titans for the most part, casualties staying at cero that day. They reach their rest stop a couple of hours before the sun begins to set. It’s a run-down castle much like the one Chanyeol keeps Egg in. This one is dirtier though, since it barely sees any use, and their first task is to dust off all the cobwebs and make sure the straw mattresses are fit for use. They stink of mold but are otherwise viable so they lay them down on the floor, along with their heavy belts and cloaks.

By the time night falls, Kyungsoo’s back aches and his belly feels like it is about to eat itself for nourishment. He slumps down next to Baekhyun who managed to snag a seat next to Chanyeol around one of the wooden tables in the dining hall, completely ignoring their excited (nerdy, completely mad) talk about titans in favor of wolfing down his meal. Sehun is nowhere to be seen -probably on watch duty-so Tao is sitting with the Commander this time, deep in conversation with Lu Han and the big-eyed engineer Minseok.

Kyungsoo pays them no mind, content with dunking his bread in the broth of his stew. His attention on his food is only broken when he feels a shadow looming next to him. When he looks up there stands Kai, holding his tray of food and looking intently at him.

“Can you scoot over a bit?”

Kyungsoo does, almost bumping into the person next to him. The spaces are tight since the building wasn’t precisely built to accommodate a large garrison, so when the Corporal sits down his thigh is pressed snugly against Kyungsoo’s. Kyungsoo wants to pull away but can’t, finding no space on the other side either so he tries hard to ignore the Corporal’s heat seeping through his trousers.

“Man I hate cleaning duty!” Kai complains. “One would think that with no people here to dirty things up they would just remain clean.”

Chanyeol chuckles, “Well there is also no one to clean whatever dust happens to fall around.”

Kai hums, dropping his spoon into the stew and taking a bite. Chanyeol and Baekhyun return to their conversation while Kyungsoo ignores them all, trying to finish what could very well be one of his last meals in peace.

“Chanyeol,” Kai calls, “do you have the route map for tomorrow? Kris says we must make some changes here and there for optimal speed.”

“Sure, we can go over it after dinner.”

“Why do we need to go any faster?” Baekhyun chirps in.

Kyungsoo answers before anyone can.

“It’s going to rain tomorrow. I saw rain clouds in the distance.”

A heavy hand falls on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. Kyungsoo is startled into looking up into the Corporal’s warm brown eyes. His hair is unkempt and the sleeves of his white shirt are rolled up to his elbows. Kyungsoo thinks it makes him look more his age, more boyish.

“I always knew Do here was very perceptive. I’m glad you’ll be in my squad tomorrow.”

“Huh?” Kyungsoo almost drops his spoon.

Kai rubs the back of his head, messing his hair even more. “Well, you weren’t supposed to know that until tomorrow but…surprise?”

Kyungsoo calmly pushes his tray forward, replacing it with his face on the table.

“Is there anything wrong?” Kai asks confused.

Kyungsoo groan is muffled somewhat by the table. “Nothing, just my percentage of survival dropping several figures.”

“Well, the Corporal is regarded as humanity’s strongest so wouldn’t that actually increase your chances of survival?” Baekhyun wonders out-loud.

Chanyeol sniggers at the murderous look Kyungsoo shoots his friend while Kai scoots slightly away from him.

“Shut up, Baekhyun.”

Dawn comes way too fast for Kyungsoo’s liking the next day. It seems the Corporal thinks the same thing, with how he is rubbing at his eyes constantly and stifling yawns left and right, though-Kyungsoo is convinced of this-they have different reasons: the Corporal wants to sleep a bit longer, while Kyungsoo wants to live a little bit longer.

They sit tight on top of their horses waiting for the whole formation to be assembled. Kyungsoo looks around, and is disappointed when he cannot spot Baekhyun or Sehun around. Corporal Kai’s squad has been positioned close to the center, to serve as protection (or titan bait, as they end up being most of the time) for the engineers, and he can only hope his friends are not too far out on the formation.

He can see the engineers from where his horse stands. Their shoulders look a bit stiff but otherwise they do not seem too nervous. Kyungsoo has to give it to them-not many people, if any, get used to going on missions outside the protection of the wall. Chances of success and survival are not very high and it only takes one look at the members of the Survey Corps to determine not a single one lives to see old age. But if anything, going on missions has given Kyungsoo a sense of routine. He knows what to expect, even if it is not the most pleasant thing to have on your agenda.

The signal is given and they spur their horses on, eyes turning in all directions possible to spot titans in the distance. It’s only a few minutes after they take off that Kyungsoo spots a red flare to his right. A few seconds later a green flare is seen going northwest, so they turn to follow it. This is repeated with varying directions several times throughout the morning though there are no black flares, and everything seems to be calm.

Too calm, Kyungsoo thinks, eyeing the approaching clouds. He can already see the flash of thunder on the underside, dread beginning to pool in his belly. He looks around but his squad mates do not seem worried about the looming bad weather, too focused on going forward and keeping an eye out for titans. The Corporal especially seems unconcerned, always looking forward and not once taking his eyes off the general area of the formation.

They reach the perimeter of the wall sometime before midday. There is a town all along it so they switch to 3D-manouver-gear and continue that way. The Corporal’s squad is situated all the way to the front, blades drawn to protect the engineers. Meanwhile a couple of squads make their way through the gaping hole in the wall to stop titans before they can actually cross and disrupt their work.

One of the engineers, the one they call Minseok, stops over the building closer to the shattered gate and unties a pack from his back. Meanwhile the other one, Jongdae, aims his hooks towards the wall, managing to land just above the opening, letting himself hang over the mouth to examine the damage to the inside of it. Kyungsoo looks back at Minseok only to see him sketching furiously onto a big piece of parchment taking looks at the wall through a telescope-like device he has set up next to him. They have to be fast, since they cannot just stand there forever.

The Survey Corps are all spread out around the hole to catch approaching titans before they get too close but it seems it is not being of much help since Kyungsoo sees one aberrant type rapidly approaching. He draws his blades but before anyone can do anything there is a blur behind the titan and the sound of flesh being sliced before it collapses.

Tao lands close-by, panting heavily. His clothes are splattered with blood, and since titan blood evaporates, it can only mean one thing.

“There is a whole herd coming! Hurry up! We cannot hold them off much longer!”

Tao leaves after that, and Kyungsoo’s stomach sinks. They are running out of time.

Just around that moment a 10-meter type comes walking through the hole. It spots Jongdae hanging above it, stubbornly trying to scribble some final notes into his pocket notebook, and reaches for him.

“Watch out!” screams Kyungsoo, but before the titan can close its fist around the engineer, a spinning figure manages to cut off its fingers. When he lands, Kyungsoo realizes it is the Corporal, and lets out a sigh of relief. Both men manage to get away in time for more titans to come pouring out of the whole. It seems the squads sent out had been completely annihilated. Titans are also coming through the rear where their numbers are also dwindling. Kyungsoo has to take down a couple of them but it is proving to be too difficult when they start outnumbering them 2 to 1.

From the corner of his eye he spots Minseok packing his things, while Jongdae rejoins him.

There is a yellow flare in the air. It is time to go home.

original A/N: This chapter is nowhere near done hahaha but I just wanted to post something. Is anyone following the SNK series? What the hell was that last manga update. If you ever want to nerd-out with me about SNK please do! Hope you enjoyed this update ^^

kaisoo, title: shingeki no exo, exo

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