Shingeki no EXO (2)

Nov 10, 2014 00:48

Pairings: kaisoo (kind of)
Rating: pg-13
Summary: shingeki no kyojin AU (this is me not having an actual summary sorry)
A/N: cross-posting.

While the rest of the expedition return to the safety of Wall Rose, Baekhyun finds himself following Squad Leader Chanyeol and the rest of his squad into an old castle a couple of miles away from the wall gate. The place is pretty rundown but at least it is clean, with only a fine layer of dust accumulated since the last time someone had been there, which according to Chanyeol had been merely two weeks ago.

“We use this place often,” Chanyeol says, showing Baekhyun to his room. “You could say it works as our headquarters outside the wall. And well, we cannot just strut through the gates with two titans in tow.”

Said titans are currently tied down in one of the courtyards of the castle. Chanyeol spends most of the day with them, poking and prodding them, and laughing when they try to bite him. Baekhyun is with him most of the time, and revels in all those nights when it’s only Chanyeol and him still up, and Chanyeol tells him everything he knows about titans.

“Did you know that titans don’t eat humans for nourishment?” Chanyeol asks excitedly over a warm cup of tea.

They are inside a large tent set up over the immobilized titans, sitting at a wooden table a couple of meters from the actual creatures. Baekhyun’s eyelids feel heavy but he fights the drowsiness. Talking to Chanyeol is fun and interesting, and the fact that they’re sitting mere meters away from what could kill them in seconds causes goosebumps to form on Baekhyun’s skin. They’re good goosebumps though; the excitement-generated type.

“Then why do they eat humans then? And how do they get their energy?” Baekhyun asks, frowning. He too has a cup of tea in front of him and he stares at the rays of light from the candles around them bounce off the glossy surface of the hot liquid.

“We don’t really know much about why they eat humans. They ignore every other living creature which is also strange,” Chanyeol says before taking a sip from his tea. “But as to how they get their energy, well, you see this tent?”

Baekhyun nods.

“The reason why we went through all the trouble to set it up is because titans seem to be more energetic between sunrise and sundown which has led us to believe they gather their energy from the sun. You can see Egg and Bacon here are pretty subdued right now.”

Chanyeol waves in the general direction of the titans, a look of fondness passing through his face at the sight of his “babies” as he likes to call them. Bacon, the 15-meter type, is looking drowsy, with droopy eyelids and a relaxed posture, but Egg, the deviant-type, is still struggling, though Baekhyun notices it is more half-hearted now than when they were first brought here.

“I see what you mean,” Baekhyun replies, getting up. He gets closer to Bacon, stepping as close as he dares, noticing how Bacon does not even turn to look at him. The titan looks like a daydreaming child, except for its ugly adult face. Baekhyun takes a step forward before turning to Chanyeol. “Do you think I could touch it?”

Chanyeol shrugs. “Why not? Go ahead.”

Baekhyun grins before slowly, very slowly, getting closer to the titan. He reaches out with his hand, trying to keep his body as far away as possible, until his fingertips grace over Bacon’s cheek.

“It’s really hot,” he mutters. “Like touching a steaming porcelain mug.”

“Isn’t it?” Chanyeol answers with a toothy smile. “I keep telling Kris we should just tie our provisions to one of them and use them to heat our food but he refuses every time. That man is no fun, I tell you.”

Baekhyun laughs at that, leaning forward and resting his whole palm on Bacon’s cheek. He is not paying attention; too busy laughing over Chanyeol’s idiotic ideas (he thinks they’re pretty genius though) that he does not notice the titan’s eyes trained on him. The only warning he gets is a slight shuffle under his palm and Chanyeol’s frantic shout of his name before there is a presence looming over him and light is suddenly blocked from his sight.

Bacon’s teeth barely manage to only catch the heel of Baekhyun’s boots but its tongue is completely pressed against Baekhyun’s front, pushing him up and behind, scrapping the boy over his palate and trying to shove him back into his throat. Baekhyun struggles, kicking his legs at the tongue while his hands are busy trying to find purchase on the slimy surface of the titan’s mouth. He is not sure if he’s screaming. His mouth is open but his ears register no sound, since all his brain can process is survival.

He is almost a goner, one more push from that tongue and he will definitely fall into the titan’s throat, when a blast of steam suddenly blinds him, and he covers his face to protect it from the heat. The temperature rises all around him though he suddenly feels the surface underneath him drop and a cool breeze hitting him from behind.

He turns around and opens his eyes just in time to see Chanyeol, blades in hand, prying Bacon’s steaming mouth open.

“Baekhyun,” he pants. “Are you okay?”

Baekhyun nods, crawling over the dying titan’s tongue and through the opening between its teeth. Chanyeol helps him through and as soon as Baekhyun is out he lets the head of the titan crash back down steaming.

Baekhyun sits on the dirt floor, watching as Bacon disintegrates in a cloud of steam. He can spot the place where Bacon is missing a piece on its nape, and he turns to look at Chanyeol, who is openly sobbing while looking at what is left of his 15-type titan.

“I’m sorry about that,“ Baekhyun feels like saying, knowing how much Chanyeol cares about his test subjects. “But, uh, thank you. You know, for saving me.”

Chanyeol wipes his eyes dry before turning to him. “It’s okay. You look like a spitted fur-ball though.”

Baekhyun does not know what takes over him but his mouth is suddenly twitching and laughter bubbles up inside him and bursts out just in time for a dozen or so soldiers to stream into the courtyard, half wearing the 3D-manouver gear while the other half is still in pajamas.

“What the hell happened?! We heard shouting,” one of them asks. They look around, taking the scene in: the dead titan, the spit-covered Baekhyun and the tear-tracks on Chanyeol’s face, as well as the blades in his hands.

Baekhyun is still laughing when Chanyeol joins in on the merriment. The men around them grumble and curse at them and after seeing that the situation was under control they retire back to their beds.

Baekhyun swears he hears someone say “fucking lunatics” but he cannot find it in himself to care. When you just crawled your way out of a titan’s mouth and escaped from certain death everything just seems laughter-inducing.

“So how was it?” Chanyeol asks in between chuckles, offering his hand for Baekhyun to stand up.

“Absolutely terrifying,” Baekhyun answers honestly, grabbing the offered hand.

“Well, you need to tell me all about it,” Chanyeol says staring mesmerized at the trail of saliva Baekhyun’s hand left on his own, “and let me collect some of that saliva on you.”

Baekhyun looks down at his slimy body. “Take all you want. But I call dibs on the bath afterwards.”

Chanyeol laughs while he searches for test tubes. “Please do.”

The next morning Baekhyun is having breakfast with Chanyeol when they hear the sound of approaching horses. Both men finish their meals quickly, going outside to greet the newcomers.

A couple of minutes later Commander Kris comes riding through the castle gates, followed by who he guesses is Huang Zitao judging from the fierce eyes, Corporal Kai and, surprisingly enough, Kyungsoo and Sehun.

The party dismounts and both Baekhyun and Chanyeol salute as Kris approaches them. The man is really impressive up close. He is taller than Chanyeol, who is already pretty tall, and his face seems to be set in a permanent scowl, not helped by the fact that he has some pretty intense eyebrows.

“What happened?” he asks in an authoritarian voice.

“The 15-meter type tried to eat Baekhyun here,” Chanyeol points at him with a smile, “but I’ll give you the full report inside.”

Kris nods, making his way into the castle without waiting for either of them.

“Should I go with you?” Baekhyun asks, biting his lip. Could he get in trouble for what happened last night? He hoped not.

Chanyeol shakes his head with a smile. “Nah, I can deal with him on my own. You go see your friends.”

Baekhyun nods meekly and is about to leave when a blur passes in front of him and he hears the distinct sound of a fist coming in contact with flesh. When he turns to look, Chanyeol is sprawled on the floor spitting blood while a furious Kyungsoo looms over him, barely being held back by Corporal Kai while Sehun watches on with his usual emotionless face. Behind him, Zitao whistles.

“Shorty here packs quite a punch,” he says, before stepping around Chanyeol’s fallen form and follows Kris into the cool interior of the castle.

“What the hell are you thinking?” Corporal Kai grunts as Kyungsoo struggles in his hold. “Chanyeol might be an insane idiot but he is still your superior!”

“What the hell is he thinking, letting Baekhyun near that thing?!” Kyungsoo shrieks back, trying to pry himself from Kai’s hold to no success. When the taller man won’t budge, Kyungsoo steps on his foot. Hard.

Kai let’s go of Kyungsoo in favor of holding his foot and jumping up and down in one foot while hollering in pain. Meanwhile Kyungsoo runs towards Baekhyun, checking him all over for any wounds.

“I’m okay,” Baekhyun croaks out, staring wide eyed at his hurt superiors. He always knew Kyungsoo’s mothering was no joke but this was just crazy. “Chanyeol got me out in time.”

“He better,” Kyungsoo grits out. “I swear, if a single hair on your head is harmed I-“

“It won’t,” a grave voice interrupts him. Chanyeol wipes blood from the corner of his mouth and stands up, suddenly serious. “I will never let anything happen to Baekhyun.”

He is looking at Kyungsoo straight in the eye, and the intensity of his stare makes Kyungsoo’s anger balk. He is the one that breaks eye-contact first, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun breathes out in awe, and Chanyeol shoots him a warm smile, returning to normal in seconds.

“I’ll go see Kris now,” he says and, after brushing the dirt from the seat of his pants, makes his way inside.

The Corporal follows suit, a slight limp to his step while he mutters something about shitty shorties and their insubordination.

Everything is silent except for the occasional horse stepping on the ground and the scuffing of Kyungsoo’s boot against the dirt. He refuses to look up at Baekhyun but Baekhyun pays no mind to him, focused instead on Sehun who is grabbing both his hands in his and practically has stars gleaming in his otherwise soulless eyes.

“Tell me all about it,” he demands and Baekhyun is only too happy to comply, leading Sehun inside.

Baekhyun calls Kyungsoo’s name softly, but his friend does not follow.

Commander Kris’ party stays for the night. Eventually Kyungsoo joins Baekhyun and Sehun but he remains withdrawn, only speaking when spoken to and smiling weakly at Baekhyun’s stories, which under normal circumstances would have him holding his sides with laughter.

After dinner Chanyeol leads them to the courtyard where they keep Egg, the deviant titan they managed to capture on their first expedition. Next to it there’s a wide space where the silhouette of the 15-meter type that tried to eat Baekhyun was. The wires holding it down have long since been removed, but the holes of the stakes holding it down are still visible around a damp spot in the earth.

Chanyeol is excitedly telling Kris about his findings when Baekhyun watches Kyungsoo walk stiffly towards them, coming to a halt in front of Chanyeol. Said man stops talking and stares curiously at Kyungsoo, who is frowning and standing very still.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Kyungsoo bows low.

“I’m sorry for doubting you and hitting you, Squad Leader,” he says, and Baekhyun’s jaw drops open. The Kyungsoo he knows does not apologize to anyone.

Everyone else seems just as surprised as he is, for they are staring at Kyungsoo as if he had grown another head. Chanyeol looks around, panicked, before he laughs nervously and tries to get Kyungsoo to stop bowing.

“It’s alright,” he says and in a much lower voice he mutters to Kyungsoo, “and the Commander did not know about that so…”

Kyungsoo immediately shoots back up, wide eyes turned towards Commander Kris who is just looking at him, half stern and half amused. Next to the Commander, Corporal Kai smirks at him.

“Well, since the cat is out of the bag, don’t you think I deserve an apology too?”

Zitao giggles from where he had been inspecting the mark left by the slain titan, amusement making his lips curl up. He moves closer to watch the show unfold.

“No way,” Sehun says under his breath, but chokes on his own spit when, after a moment’s hesitation, Kyungsoo goes to stand in front of the Corporal and bows for him too.

“I’m sorry,” Kyungsoo mutters, cheeks tinted pink.

The Corporal is suddenly taken aback by Kyungsoo’s apology, wide eyes staring at Kyungsoo and then at Baekhyun and Sehun who merely shrug, just as confused as he is.

He clears his throat and awkwardly pats Kyungsoo’s head, not missing how soft those brown tresses feel under his fingers.

“Don’t sweat it, Do,” Kai says. “I was just joking, no need to take it so seriously.”

Kyungsoo rises from his bow and looks at Commander Kris resignedly. Kris merely shakes his head and sighs.

“I don’t even know what happened, Do, but you apologized so that should be more than enough,” he says. “Now go back to the castle with your friends. I have things to talk with Chanyeol here.”

Kyungsoo mumbles a meek “goodnight” before obeying, hurrying after Baekhyun and Sehun, who wrap their arms around their friend’s shoulders and lead him away.

The next day the Commander’s party leaves at dawn. Baekhyun wakes just to see them off, and he notes smugly that he is not the only one nodding off when he spots Corporal Kai yawning every five seconds and almost walking straight into his horse. It is really a wonder he is humanity’s strongest. Kyungsoo seems to be in better spirits, laughing at something Sehun is saying and swatting him on the back of the head.

After the horses are ready it is time to say goodbye, and the three friends are allowed a couple of minutes for the task.

“When are you coming back to the wall?” Sehun asks Baekhyun, his hand tangled in the reins of his horse.

Baekhyun pets the horse’s nose, laughing when it pulls away from the touch, dragging Sehun with it.

“Chanyeol says we’ll be back in three weeks or so,” he answers. “He still has research to do on that deviant-type.”

“Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo calls his name, serious. “Be more careful around that titan, okay? I swear that if you die I’ll bring you back just to kill you myself.”

Baekhyun nods. “Being eaten once is more than enough.”

“Time to go!” Commander Kris hollers at them from a distance, already mounted on his horse.

Kyungsoo and Sehun hug Baekhyun one more time before climbing onto their horses. Kyungsoo waves goodbye at Chanyeol who excitedly waves back, and spurs his horse forward. Sehun follows suit and soon they’re out of the castle and becoming tiny specks in the horizon.

“You have good friends, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol tells him.

Baekhyun agrees. He could not have asked for anyone better.

original A/N: I feel like I have something to explain. These are not really chapters? Just random tid-bits of SNK + EXO AU life. There isn’t a set plot or anything because there isn’t much to work with regarding the SNK plot (can you seriously tell me you’ve read the manga and know exactly what is going on? no? I thought so). The only reason why they’re numbered is because I cannot be assed with titles. So yeah, don’t expect a linear plot. This is just something I do for fun. Enjoy!

Also, there was no editing/revising done lol, excuse my mistakes!

shingeki no kyojin au, baekyeol, kaisoo, title: shingeki no exo, exo

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