Haunted [Chapter 2]

Mar 17, 2010 22:12

Rating: PG13
Warnings: Horror themes.
Summary: The Dong Bang apartment has become too crowded. When more living space is needed, the boys will ask the company for new living quarters. When they arrive at the destination they are met with their dream house, however, will that dream turn into a nightmare once obscure things start happening in that ( Read more... )

fanfiction, title: haunted, chaptered, dbsk

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kamo_comon March 18 2010, 13:56:26 UTC
um... am in school right now, but will write later! ^^

P.S. you stalker!! LOL
P.P.S. I didn't get first second or third spot!! (T_____T)


poppy_sky March 18 2010, 18:25:04 UTC
I have trouble replying to your comments RAWR.

Don't worry, write whenever you're free :)

P.S. kekekekeke
P.P.S. You need to be faster!!! Want me to PM you when there's an update? :3


kamo_comon March 19 2010, 02:45:40 UTC
w00p!!! Out of school... until tomorrow. (T____T);;;

Ah well~ I'm sorry you had such a hard time replying to my comment! *offers home-made grandma cookies*

Writing now. ^^

hahaha; leave it to snarky!Min to call every house crap. XD He's so picky~! lol; I luffs him! And Ho wanting Jae to come along? I see YunJae~ (*0*)

(“I think you’ll like this one”, the real estate agent commented with a forced smile. He must have been as fed up as they were.) Hell NOsssss!!! lmao; I would be totally ecstatic the WHOLE day if I could even SEE HoMin. XDDD

But yeah... Update! I like your writing so much! Why can't I have a similar writing style? *whines* GAH! Can't wait for the spooky stuff to start coming. hehehe

Creepy doll. *rubs my thumb across dolly's eyes with Ho* :P I can already see a demon-possessed doll~ hahaha (>__<) Can't wait for the next chapter!

It's okay. No need to PM me. lol; that would be cheating. XD I check your page daily anyways. 8Db


poppy_sky March 19 2010, 03:31:10 UTC

I hope it's just my laptop or something because this is getting annoying ;;


Yeah. I thought Ho would just say yest to the first house just to make the agent happy, while Jae would be too overrated. YooSu wouldn't give a damn about the layout of the house so that leaves Min to do the deed! XD

I still owe you your fic...
Thanks a lot!! I like your style too, that JaeChun was awesome!! ♥

I'm going to shove that doll under your covers >:3
but you should really rub your thumb over Ho's body *wink*

Okay, but don't check my page daily woman!! I don't update everyday...


kamo_comon March 19 2010, 03:44:21 UTC
(T________________T) I'm so very sorry. If it makes it better... you don't have to reply. *sob ( ... )


poppy_sky March 19 2010, 04:44:47 UTC
Oh but I have to, you special person ♥

Well...what pages are you looking at lately? *wiggles eyebrows*
LMAO, I can't wait for next week. Finally 18~

Oh they were delicioooous *takes drink gratefully*

Ahahaha, sometimes I wonder what they would do without Min. He raises the group's IQ by several digits.

But I promised! (don't bring up those JaeMin sequels or I'll have to hurt you)

Your style is not lame at all D:< don't say that. JaeChun is ♥

I do like Gackt, he's my second favorite weird person (after Miyavi of course) and the number 1 on my "Eccentrics List". His house is so awesome, and it's comforting to know there's another weirdo that likes their house to look like a palace out of a videogame.

OMG, weird people ...does Jae count? But he's not as wierd as those too, but he is weird ...*confused* I don't know where to shove him!! Under me would be a good place hehehehe...Text books under your pillows? Whoah and you say you aren't responsible...I only have a novel I haven't read next to my bed LMAO. Maybe they're the cause of ( ... )


kamo_comon March 20 2010, 03:58:51 UTC
*giggle, giggle* (>/////IDK.... They're not actually those 18+ fictions... (=___=);;; Wait... I think I can fix it. lmao; brb ( ... )


poppy_sky March 20 2010, 23:37:56 UTC
LOL, that happens to me too, but NO MOAR!! bwahahahahaha ( ... )


kamo_comon March 31 2010, 17:39:11 UTC
Congrats on being 18!!! XD

lmao; You both are super awesomely awesome~ ♥ I love being around you two. ^^

I can so see you going all out on shooting your girl friends. XD I don't get bruised easily, so I think I would be fine. ^^ Nevertheless... still expensive. (=__=);;;

July is a long time away, gurl... (o__o) My birthday is in June, though. Yay!

JaeMin sequel? lol

Ah really? I would pick DBSK straight off. Forget Miyavi! *gets bricked* J/K J/K I ♥ Miyavi. :)

hahaha; you must have written those ficcies a long time ago then. XD

8D But I thought you be going for the Ho now?

At least we don't die for real in our dreams. :D

(o___o) That does sound pretty painful... *stops molesting*

The test was looooong ago. XD


poppy_sky March 31 2010, 21:38:05 UTC

I don't bruise easily either but that hit hurt DX
It is expensive, maybe that's what really keeps me from going LOL.

Most of my friend's b-days are in June!! What the hell??? What day is your b-day? :)

Ah sorry, I think you never pestered me about those sequels ^^;

Well obviously I would pick DBSK (they're not married LMAO) Ah...I wonder what would happen once they start getting married *sobs*

I'm ...going for both? I don't knooow!! XD I loveall five of them but Yunho won me over with his kind-heartedness and Jae with his weirdness and hotness. Can't I just say I love them both? T-T (I'm having a really hard time lately with those ''who's hotter'' polls... u_ú)

Don't they say that if you die in your dreams you die for real?

Yeah, it is....

And you just replied...tsk tsk.


kamo_comon April 2 2010, 05:28:19 UTC
Hm... I should try it. I haven't had a bruise for ages! (*0*) I really want to see how it feels like again...
nm, too expensive. XD

(o___o) That's amazing. Um... My birthday is on the 16th. I used to tell my friends it was either June or July just to confuse them so that they wouldn't get me gifts or anything. No such luck. They gave me gifts on July, though. lmao (very considerate of them, though. ^^)

lol; :P I might if you do write me a fic.

(T_______T) Don't make me think about it yet. *sob, sob*

... )


poppy_sky April 2 2010, 06:32:23 UTC
You're crazy XD (but I would do the same thing LOL)

I'm going to tell you a little secreeet~ idon'tknowmydad'sb-day. I know it's in July 20-something ...and that's about it.

I'm already half-way done ;)

*cries with you and passes you the kleenex box*

Wait, they can't marry. Those two are married already! >:D

o.o Thanks for proving that wrong :D

I know, I'm just messing with you ♥


kamo_comon April 5 2010, 00:49:26 UTC
Have you ever had an urge to just cut yourself with paper since it hasn't happened for a long time? I do that sometimes... (u____u) The problem is! I can't get paper cuts that way! (*A*) And when I do get them, it hurts~ lol
(yes. I'm a maso. There's no denying it.)

lmao; you're so funny! XD I keep forgetting all my friends' birthdays, but I remember my family's. ^^ Problem is... I always forget it when the day comes. DX Especially with my mum's! (T___T)


Now that I think about it... YunJae have already proclaimed themselves married. And YooSu, too! Now we just need to do something about Min... kekeke

XD How do you know I'm not part of the living dead?

♥ You tease~


poppy_sky April 5 2010, 04:20:24 UTC
Not really ;;
Paper cuts are bitches because when the wound opens when you move your finger alsjfklsf, feels horrible~
But I gotta admit that when I see my arms bare of cat scratches I go and pester my cat just to get new ones :)

I always forget my dad's! ;_; it's like a curse, I'm asking every single year. It started because I went to a summer camp one day and it was a day before or after his b-day I don't remember so I don't know if it is on the 21th or the 22th...

I'll probably finish it today. That or another chapter of Haunted, because I feel so useless during the break and with writer's block X_x

Exactly. I could marry Min *whistles*

Uhm...are you? 8D


kamo_comon April 5 2010, 18:49:44 UTC
That's true...
lmao; you maso~ ♥

Awww~ Maybe you should write it on your calendar each year so that you'll remember. I do that. ^^ (The problem is... I don't look at my calendar. x___x)

Nuuuuuuh. Not writer's block! (*A*) But... have fun writing. XD

hahaha; can I be your bridesmaid? 8D

Pft. I wish.


poppy_sky April 5 2010, 19:47:38 UTC
We can be masochists together :)

*whispers* I don't look at my calendar either .... I'll just write it on the computer or something. But it's so embarrassing to ask...WAIT, my dad has a calendar where his b-day is marked. SCOOOOOOOOORE!!

I didn't write LOL, I was just lazing around blah.

Nuh. Hahaha, of course! (I don't think I'll ever marry though. I'd think it reaaaaaaaaaaal hard if Min asked me seriously)

Awww, I feel cheated :(


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