Title: Run after your destiny
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG
Pairing: Bang Yongguk x Kim Himchan
Words count: 1,593
Summary: Because you can never predict what fate has reserved for you - or how the red string brings two people together.
A/N: And here comes a new Banghim one-shot. I honestly thought that I would never get inspired again but then, I watched Disney's short-movie "Paperman" and hello, here comes a new little one-shot. I honestly like this one so I hope you'll like it as well! I advise you to listen to Paperman's
soundtrack while reading, you might get a better feeling while reading. Anyway, enjoy!
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He wakes up, late. As he brushes his hair, he puts on his pair of pants and his jacket, grabbing his back bag before running down the stairs. He kisses his mother goodbye and "have a nice day mom, yes, I love you too, I'll be careful!" resonates in the hall, the boy already outside, running to catch his train.
This is Kim Himchan's morning routine.
He wakes up early, he takes his time, carefully choosing his clothes - even if they might look all the same for the others: large and dark. He runs a hand through his red hair and flashes a smile to his mother and father, sitting down on a chair. After eating his breakfast, he brushes his teeth, puts on his favorite shoes and walks outside, music blasting through his headphones.
This is Bang Yongguk's morning routine.
And this is the story of an unexpected meeting.
"Jonguppie, I won't be late- what?! The princes are never late, they let the peasants- No, I'm not running!" He scowls at his phone and sticks his tongue out childishly before hanging off. Jongup is a junior, his favorite even if he is a bit stupid - Himchan doesn't really mind, he feels smarter around him. (But he really likes Jongup, he won't just admit it.)
There's a twitch in his fingers, his foot soundlessly taps against the floor. Yongguk's mind is full of lyrics, of words. Inspired by the people around him, may it be something on TV, or the way someone would greet him. The sight of a couple or kids fighting at a playground. Today, Yongguk feels that something is going to happen. Something big.
He reaches the train station and lets out a frustrated groan: his train is delayed by ten minutes. He quickly texts Jongup, telling him that he'll finally be late at school before looking around. The platform is full of people and Himchan already feels annoyed. He likes crowded place, but not when he looks like he just went out the bed. Today, Himchan feels that it's gonna be a long and boring day.
"Hello hyung!" A tall curly haired kid greets Yongguk with a cheeky smile, passing by him on his skateboard. That's Zelo, always on time, Yongguk thinks as he waves back at the already long gone kid. They usually spend their weekends together, talking and sharing about music essentially. Yongguk looks up at the sky and smiles, briefly closing his eyes as the words "fate" and "meeting" run through his mind.
Himchan gets finally into his train and luckily he manages to sit down, puffing his cheek. He checks himself in the window, fixing some strands of his brown hair and straightening his jacket - the latest fashion of Seoul. He gets a text from one of his traditional music classmate and bangs his head against the window, groaning. He forgot his instrument. And the train is already gone before he can even make a move to stand up.
Yongguk loves to live a bit far from the center of the city, it's quiet and there is almost nobody on the platform of the train station. He always takes his train in advance, just in case there would be a problem. He dislikes being late and he dislikes how people lose their minds when they are late. Yongguk is a pacifist and even if some things in this world revolts him, he would never harm someone in any way. He sits down and takes his notebook out of his bag, grabs a pencil and writes, words flowing out on the paper.
One is late and one is early. How could they possibly meet? What has the fate reserved for them?
It's 7:39am when the train stops but doesn't start again to continue his journey. Some people are starting to complain and Himchan is one of them. He wonders if this day could get any worse. He looks out the window, envying the freedom of the birds. No responsibilities, no feels. He chuckles quietly as he thinks that he'd make the cutest bird ever. He is Kim Himchan after all.
It's 7:39am when the train's driver announces through the speakers that they'll stop at the next station for an unestimated time because there is a problem on the line. Yongguk furrows his eyebrows slightly, he hopes that no one got hurt. He still has time, his class only start one hour later. He looks out the window and thinks that it would be great to be a cloud. Travelling everywhere and seeing so many countries. Once again, he is inspired and continues writing. He is Bang Yongguk after all.
Himchan growls as he loses at his phone game again. Well, he can't be good everywhere, he is already a genius when it comes to traditional music. He doesn't hear the other train stopping next to the one he is actually.
Yongguk smiles as he gets a panicked text from one of his classmate that forgot that there is a test today. Yongguk is first in his whole high school so he doesn't worry much and replies with some encouraging words. He doesn't notice that there is already another train next to the one he is.
It's 7:56am when someone announce that they won't start the train again, that they have to take buses to reach their destination. Himchan thinks that yes, his day gets worse. He sighs heavily and grabs his bag, standing up and trying to make his way out of the train.
It's 7:56am when someone announce that they won't start the train again, that they have to take buses to reach their destination. Yongguk pouts a bit but doesn't really mind, travelling by bus has always been inspiring to him. He smiles and puts his notebook back in his bag, standing up and patiently making his way out of the train.
Himchan dislikes all the people around him, sweating, pushing, touching him. He takes a breathe as he is finally outside. And he freezes.
Yongguk is one of the last to come out the train. He wouldn't want anyone to be late while he still has some time. He helps a grandmother to step out and looks around. And he freezes.
Himchan watches him. He is tall and slim, he wears dark clothes but his eyes are soft and kind. He has red hair like fire but he looks gentle. Himchan forgets how to breathe.
Yongguk looks at him. He is thin and a bit smaller than him. He seems to follow the trends and to pay attention to the way he looks. But his eyes are warm and brown like a hot chocolate on a rainy day. Yongguk doesn't remember his own name.
Himchan opens his mouth and wants to make a step towards this outsider but the wave of stressed and pressed people pushes him towards the stairs and Himchan can't help but to follow, throwing a last look of despair to the other boy.
Yongguk wants to talk to him, he felt connected the moment their eyes met but the boy disappears among the other people and he barely catches his last expression. Yongguk, for the first time in a very long time, feels frustrated.
Himchan puts a hand on his chest and looks at the floor, in a daze. He doesn't hear the annoyed groans and comments around him. His phone rings and he blinks, running to catch a bus. He shakes his head, it must have been a dream.
Yongguk stays a few minutes on the plateform, stunned. He isn't able to forget the boy that was in front of him. He puts a hand on his chest and feels his heart beat like it never did before. And for once, Yongguk runs.
He sits down and can't help but to look expectandly out the window. He tries to convince himself that it did not happened but he isn't able to erase that face out of his mind. Himchan wants for that bus to never start.
He clumsily runs down the stairs and through the gallery, apologizing to the people he may have bumped into or not. He feels that he is going to make a mistake if he lets the boy go. Yongguk prays that the bus didn't left yet.
Himchan looks down at the hands on his lap and swallows. The bus is turned on and the motor purrs.
Yongguk reaches the outside and there is so many buses already. Follow your instinct, he thinks.
Himchan decides for the last time to look outside. His eyes widens and his heart skips a beat, then two. He is there.
Yongguk runs a hand through his hair and looks intently at the passengers. He blinks and his mind goes blank. He is there.
He doesn't think and stands up, grabs his bag once again and tells the bus driver to stop the bus - this is a life or death issue!
He takes a few tentative steps towards the bus, a wide smile appearing on his face. His legs feel like jelly and he can't help but to giggle.
Himchan walks out the bus and meets Yongguk's eyes. He smiles sheepishly and feels his cheeks burn. He walks until they are face-to-face.
Yongguk looks at him, their eyes once again connected as the other boy makes his way to him. When he stops, they are so close that Yongguk sucks on a breathe.
And they smile.