popelizbet Mar 05, 2009 09:08
i'm done reasoning with you, do it cause i say, fuck that, fearless leader is fearless, for immediate release, people are stupid, hatey hate, how it is is how it is, sufficient unto the day, lack of transparency, in which elizabeth flips her shit, fear is the mind killer, attack of the fandom, adventures in creative tagging, also among the things i hate, dammit all to shit, let me tell you a thing or two missy, rule 2.7 b, spinster aunt observations, silicon based life forms, be excellent to each other, don't be an asshole, shangy_feminism, racism is fucking disgusting, i am only a poet, how shall i still be purple, i'm too mad to cuss you out even, things that are not as awesome as cake, look ma idiots on the internet, oh you fucking did not, an unpublishable private literature, books, this is it i have found it i am in hell, relevant to my interests, no shut the fuck up and listen, venom to thy work buddeh, rants, what is this fuckery?, lack of truthfulness, still not batman, things that are not awesome at all, let the wild rumpus begin