Had a good weekend. :)
* got my hands on the FanTasia festival program guide. Planning on going to see some movies on Saturday with friends. See shcedule
* CAN-CON is just over two months away and I am starting to go a bit nuts now. Please think of me ocasionally and send good thoughts. Better yet, if you can think of ANY way you can help, please let me know - we NEED more volunteers.
* finished the "Five Senses" gaming campaign with the Kittens and Peanut. I think it was a very good start. Although I think next time I will ask one particular adult to participate a little more and another a little less if they decide to continue playing with the group.
* Met up with
metalana for Dim Sum, which was DELICIOUS, in part because it had been so long since I had had Dim Sum. thinking maybe I should do it a bit more often. While there we ended up talking about convention running. Ha! Also, saw a couple of UU church people and we had a chuckle about not being at the morning service. LOL!
* Had my last Schola class and tonight is the wrap party. All in all, my schola experience has been good and has exceeded my expectations. I've met some really nice people. On the rive home yesterday, L and I exchanged some really creative, inspiring thoughts about how to go further with the Shamanism class. We're thinking something along the lines of a working group or "lab" group.
* Mom lent me the TV show "Arrested Development" and I'm enjoying it. That some families can be that dense and disfunctional is beyond me but the script is good and the cast is great.
* Peanut is back from camp and she had a wonderful time. She came home with (or so I'm told) the most number of badges and claims that the food served there was better than even a restaurant. LOL! I'll have to write the head facilitator and thank her for all her hard work and to ask for the meal schedule. Hahaha.
* Still haven't started my Spirit Play boxes/ stories for KG. KG is just over two weeks away. FREAK OUT TIME!!! If I am somewhat absent online - you'll know why.
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