I think I've offered most of you the chance to "friend" me at
goodreads. If you haven't, I'm not offended, I figure you have the same response I do to being "offered" a chance to sign up for yet another online community.
Still, I write book reviews over there pretty regularly, maybe two or three a week, depending on how much reading I'm doing.
Today, I friend of mine called me up to tell me that a friend of /hers/, who has met me all of one time, found my reviews so good that she read one of them aloud at a social gathering.
I don't think very many of my friends who are published authors can claim that. How often does someone pull out something you've created to share it with their friends? Not very much in my case (although I do it for my friends, when I think it's worth it). I take it as a pretty big compliment.