It's just an FFUUUUU day I suppose.

Mar 29, 2010 19:35

Two annoying things have happened to me today, and so I have channelled it into ragetoon form, in an effort to ~cleanse myself~

have I mentioned that I have no artistic talent? )

observe my fail, grr

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popcultaddict March 29 2010, 10:07:18 UTC
OMG, I KNOW RIGHT. It's gotten to the stage where I actively avoid looking at my legs in case I find a patch and end up pissy for the rest of the day. lol.

*snuggles* I'll have to hatch a plot in order to make that happen. Excelleeeeent.


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popcultaddict March 29 2010, 10:22:26 UTC
lmao! True. What if you found it in the middle of the day though? That would bloody suck.

I've been good! Really busy. And you? I haven't seen you around in a while as well. :)


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popcultaddict March 30 2010, 05:42:08 UTC
Looool. I'll be far, far away when that happens.

Argh, I remember how terrible that was. The jump from Year 10-11 was a bitch. XD I'm sure you'll do great this year bb!


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