It's just an FFUUUUU day I suppose.

Mar 29, 2010 19:35

Two annoying things have happened to me today, and so I have channelled it into ragetoon form, in an effort to ~cleanse myself~

In other news, I fucking hate this lecturer that I have for the current Immunology module. She assigns like, 50 pages of "background" reading per lecture. Um. We can't keep up with that ridiculous amount lady, we have 3 other subjects, also with 3 lectures a week, also assigning readings (which, unlike yours, are REASONABLE), especially since it ain't Harry Potter you're making us read - it's a science textbook which takes 10 minutes per page to actually comprehend properly. Aren't you supposed to be teaching this to us? Instead of wasting half a lecture telling us about your completely uninteresting research project, which we won't actually be assessed on? SOMEONE NEEDS SOME GOOD QUALITY ABANDONMENT ON DELTA VEGA. WITHOUT A SPOCK TO SAVE YO ASS.


Phew, that was good to get out. I am now content, like this:

observe my fail, grr

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