Tournado picspam!

Aug 29, 2009 03:31

I've lost count of how many times I've watched the Tournado doc these past couple of months, because the boys are amazing in it and it seriously lights up my life. It was just begging to be picspammed. Enjoy!

Nick: Hi, my name is Nick.
Chris: My name is Chris.
Mike: I'm Mike.
Tyson: Hello everyone.
Silence: *occurs*
Nick: Everybody knows that guy's name.
Mike: That was telekinetic.



"It's like a wedding every day, except you're the groom...Oh wait, no, no, not a wedding - it's like a funeral...No, it's not a funeral, it's too depressing...Every day is Christmas morning!"

Look at his face in the last panel. SEE HOW PLEASED HE IS WITH HIMSELF?

Um, I have no excuse - this shot is just pretty and epic. They are walking off into the sunset (sunrise?) to live happily ever after. Trufax.

Tyson sitting there playing softly to himself! Look how teeny he is in front of the piano! Oh my heart. It's just so darling. And also kind of angsty and mournful. Someone write Nick/Ty fic about this! And his AAR jacket! It is amazing! I will stop abusing the exclamation mark now!

"This is where after the show we will hang our slabs of dried meat. Every night we make our own jerky."

Oh Nick. I can't even. Just look at him. RE: top left corner - I like it when pretty people look down, because I am shallow and it is asthetically pleasing.

Their chair! It goes everywhere with them!

"Actually, this is plastic! I asked for real calf skin!"

Nicky, shut up with your cuteness.

You guys, he's talking about Christmas shopping online. *__*

Also, tummy! He's got the cute pudge! *pokes it*

Okay, this seriously turned into 3495840395 caps of Nick just spinning from side to side in this chair. I couldn't help myself okay. Especially when he has that smile. LOOOOOKIT!

"I got grandma and grandpa a DVD/VCR combo. Shush!"

Oh look who's finally here! Hey Mike, hey! Tyson in this bit seriously makes me melt like nothing else on this earth EVER. "What's up! What's your name dude?" HOW IS HE SO SWEET? I WANT TO TAKE HIM HOME AND INTRODUCE HIM TO MY MUM. THEY COULD BOND OVER THEIR INXS LOVE.



"*GASP* Look at the box!" Nick's complete glee at the boxes just breaks my brain.

Tyson's showy hands! (Boy would be an excellent salesman. At least, I'd buy anything he tries to sell. "Would you like to buy this ridiculously expensive yet utterly useless contraption?" "What does it do?" "I dunno." "I'll take 50 please!") Nick's widdle pout! Mike's utter refusal to be anything less than a gigantic ray of sunshine! CHRIS'S SHY HALF SMILE OMG.


"I'm extremely easy to pick on, I'll tell you that. If there was a dude in the band that gets a lot of shit, it's me. If you can figure out why, I'd like to know so I can change that. But I'm pretty sure it's something I'm doing. No actually, no fuck that - it's because the other three guys are assholes."


The amount of glee and love I have for this section is NEVERENDING. They're play fighting! Tyson is so loveable with his hood up! [Fact: I opened up a thesaurus for this, because the amount of times I said "adorable" and "precious" was getting ridiculous]

Tyson is such a drama queen, and it will never get old, okay.
"My burn! You ripped the skin off my burn!"
"Mercy is for the weak!"

Tyson's face alone in the last pic is enough for me to physically get out of my chair and rofl.

And then Chris puts him in a headlock and I cease to function because, CUTE.

Chris: *checks Livejournal* ;)
He is satisfied with his friends page, he is not, however, satifised with the toxic fume-y Starbucks. "I went to Starbucks this morning and there was a sign on the door that said closed due to toxic fumes. Sorry for the inconvenience!"

"I was bummed because I just woke up and there was a Starbucks a block away - that never happens on tour where it's that close. The one day it is, toxic fumes ruin it for me man. Bums me out."
Witness his arm throw of frustration and pout of not-amused-ness!

When I look at Nick here crouched over the screen, I lose all lusty thoughts and just want to adopt him, so I can introduce him to people and be like, "this is my son, ISN'T HE THE MOST DEAR THING YOU'VE EVER SEEN?"

My heart. It is bursting with love.

And then we get to this, and all the lusty thoughts come rushing back, because lips, and eyelashes, and hair.

"[We] have soundcheck parties every day with our new fanclub. It's been awesome you know, and I think kids dig it - you ain't got shit without fans right? We come from a place where our parents would slap us if we didn't say thank you for something."

They are such humble boys and it's insanely fucking precious. Also, YOU OWN MY SOUL KENNERTY. Just look at that last pic. He is happiness.

Look how pleased Nick is with himself! Pretty girls are asking to kiss him!

And of course, his FAAAAAACE. This is pretty much my default reaction when presented with a photo of Nick Wheeler. "LOOK AT HIS PRECIOUS FAAAAACE."

Mikey's getting pretty girl kisses as well! <3

I love photos of Tyson autographing things. I shove them in front of all my friends and go, "look, this guy is left-handed, but he can play right-handed bass; isn't he just so ridiculously talented??!"

This section could seriously be a 2 part picspam itself. Yes, guys, we have reached what I like to call Nick Wheeler in the White Hoodie of Absolute Squee.

"This is Officer Suckit. That's her real name, don't laugh."


But more importantly, he looks all snuggly and warm and he's cuddling that cushion AND MY BLOOD JUST TURNED INTO A RIVER OF SUGARY SWEETNESS.

We now interrupt this section of gamboling bunnies to bring you...

Tyson dancing with Officer Suckit. HAHAHAHAHHA. ILU TYSON.

This is cuter than all the times I have ever visited a pet store combined. Also, mmmm, Wheeler wrist and hand. <3

"Yeah, look at that! Here, splice this in with the shot of me throwing it." HE IS SUCH A DORK OMG.

And this is cuter than that time I visited my aunt in the maternity ward. Nick Wheeler > baby animals and babies

Once again, HIS FAAAAACE. Don't you just want to tackle him round the middle and fall asleep on him?

"Alt Brown...doesn't he have that show on the Food Network?...A few of you will get that joke." Nick watches the Food Network! jsdklfjlskdf. Are you guys still alive? I fear I am not.

I honestly don't know where to start here. There is the cushion cuddling, his FAAAACE, and also the way he is sitting, Jesus Christ.

In conclusion: Nickolas Wheeler should live in this white hoodie, forever and ever, amen.

"It's steam. I recommend it. But uh, I recommend a lot of shit. People who like steam, you're gonna love this's a kettle."
SEE? Told you he would be a good salesman! Hearts, Ty.

CHRIS WITH HIS WHITE FLUFFY TOWEL. Say it with me, "AWWWWWW." I swear I did a double take when I first saw this - the walls behind him look vaguely marble-ish and showery. I was like, "WE'RE IN THE SHOWER WITH CHRIS? FJSKDJFLSD. GOOD LORD."

You get a crappy non-flowy gif for this next one, because my hand was seriously cramping like a mofo by this point.

He is dancing shimmying to the window! It is made of win! Lol at Travis. He's like ""

And then he starts stripping, which should be funny, except for the fact that Dance Inside is being played in the background. And when you actually think about it, Tyson removing his shirt + Dance Inside = really no laughing matter.

*Tyson dances at the window; fans on the ground start breakin' it down*
"They look at me and they're dancing!" Okay, that? That ladies and gentlemen, really is Tyson Ritter summed up in one sentence. *showers him with heart-shaped confetti* ALSO. His scarf! Hahahahaha. <333

I went crazy capping this section as well, mainly because of the ridiculously fond way in which Nick is smiling at Chris. ♥

Nick: What did you call it? I put soup into your breasts and tittyfucked you?
Chris: Oooh...*thinks*
Nick: This is gonna be a good one.
Chris: I gotta think about this one.
Nick: Oh dude! Something about a breast bowl!
Both: *ponder like it was the meaning of life*

How much do I love that they seriously spent all that time trying to figure it out? Oh boys.

Nick: Yeaaaaaah! High five dude! Clam chowder in a breast bowl!

They're just so amused! *squeeze*

Chris is staring wistfully out the window and it is such a pretty picture. In fact, these boys do a lot of staring out windows! YOU GUYS, WHY DON'T WE HAVE MORE FANVIDS? THIS WOULD MAKE FOR SOME GOOD ANGST.

This is one of those moments that make me want MY OWN KENNERTY AND WHEELER.

Nick: Funny, it doesn't quite look like Seattle - it's not a white outline of the skyline with uh--
Mike: With the word "Frasier" written underneath it?
Nick: --with the word "Frasier" written underneath it!

MIKE KNOWS NICK TOO WELL OMG. My heart is doing happy flip flops!

Speaking of their awesome taste in TV! You guys have seen their tweets right? NICK LIKES THE OFFICE. MIKE LIKES ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! Do you know how many of my RL friends have even heard of AD? None. I love them more than I love life.

I only just noticed this, but Chris is holding his bath sponge! The fact that he even owns one makes me lmao. He's a big ol softie!

"We're going to the Seattle Supersonics game - do not ask me what sporting event this is, because I do not know." HIS OKLAHOMAN ACCENT HERE. IT IS PRECIOUS.

John: Basketball.
Nick: Thank you.

I think you can guess what I was going to say here. Hint: It starts with "HIS" and ends with "FAAACE"

Also, random fact, did you know the Seattle Supersonics relocated to Oklahoma City in 2008? Just wikipedia'ed it. COINCIDENCE, no?

...That was the just the first 10 minutes guys. Told you I got carried away. THE FIRST 10 MINUTES WERE SERIOUSLY LACKING IN MIKE, I KNOW, I AM SAD TOO. The whole thing is about half an hour, so I estimate 2 more instalments after this. Part 2 will hopefully be up next weekend. I know, I fail at efficiency, I'm so sorry. ;__;

Part 2

*all american rejects, ~tyson ritter, !picspam, obvious nick/tyson love is obvious, my squee let me show you it, ~chris gaylor, ~mike kennerty, ~nick wheeler

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