This is a flail post masquerading as a recap

Aug 23, 2009 13:56

^Lol, I'm so proud of myself for taking that pic

Ok, from the start shall we? The meet & greet was scheduled for 5pm. I was there around 4pm just in case, because of public transport and all. Also, I was by myself, coz I'm cool like that. =P Lol, no, my friends couldn't make it, so I was sort of really freaking terrified of a) Meeting them by myself b) Getting trampled in the mosh pit with no one to protect me and c) Getting raped or something on the way home, b/c it's not exactly the safest neighbourhood in Brisbane. [Obvs, I'm sitting here typing this up now, so all those fears were unfounded]

Right! So I was sitting in the line, which is already starting to stretch around the corner, and around 4:45pm, someone comes out with a list and starts asking people if they're AARmy members. I was like, "over here!" And he checks my name off on the list and sends me to meet up with the other members, who were being filmed by another guy on his phone for which I assume might be put up on the site somewhere.

Then the first guy comes back and the two have a conversation that I only caught the end of: "...oh well, it's ok, we can bring em in anyway." SO YOU GUYS. We all originally thought it was just going to be a mini M&G thing, you know, talking, etc, but we get in, AND THE BAND ARE STILL IN SOUNDCHECK. THEY DECIDED TO LET US IN FOR THAT TOO. BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME LIKE THAT.

There was about...15 of us? Anyway, we walked in all shyly and Tyson is like, "=DDDDD Come on over!" AND THEN. AND THEN. I was the only one actually wearing my AARmy shirt, and Tyson goes, "Oh yep! I can definitely see an AARmy member - make yourself comfortable, find a spot!" MY KNEES MAY HAVE PHYSICALLY GOTTEN WEAK.

Then they launch into Damn Girl and I am in fangirl heaven, because it's my favourite on When the World Comes Down. <3 So yeah, they play little snippets of that, and then at the end, Tyson goes, "I hate playing guitar on that song." I wanted to say, "I know"...but that probably would've creeped him out. XD Then they jam out a bit to The Last Song (♥__♥). When they're done with that, Tyson looks back at me and says, "So are you the only AARmy member here?" I honestly cannot remember what I said. It was probably "I think so" because then he leans off the stage and gives me a fist bump! BECAUSE THAT IS SERIOUSLY HOW CLOSE I WAS. And then he moves to the side of the stage and gives me 3 picks, one each from him, Nick and Mike. (LOOK, IDEK HOW I'M RECALLING THIS SO CALMLY. I WAS AND STILL AM EXPLODING WITH GLEE).

From left to right: Nick's, Tyson's and Mike's.

Meanwhile, Nick has gone to sit down on the stage to talk to the girls next to me (this is very important for later, because these lovely girls adopted me when they found out I was alone. Awww). They give him some vegemite (XDDD) and Tim Tams (mmmmmm <3).

Listen for when someone says, "You should twitter about it it!" And Nick goes, "I will!" And because NICK WHEELER IS A SWEETHEART, HE TOTALLY DID.

Right, from there, Tyson comes jogging out, buttoning up his suit jacket and trying not to trip with the effort (lolol). With Mike and Chris closely behind him. Chris gives us this really shy smile ("awwwww" does not even begin to convey my affection) and MIKE IS AS SMILEY AS EVER. To experience THE KENNERTY SMILE irl is very special yo. We all just burst out into grins when he smiled at us.

"Right this way everyone!" Tyson yells, and we all try not to break our necks getting there. We're led to this little area about 20 meters from the stage. There's already a table set up, guys, I can't even. My heart just bursts with love and glee every time I think about it. THE TABLE HAS BEEN SET UP WITH OREOS AND MILK. THEY OFFER THEM AROUND TO US. I did a combined ROFLMAO/"AWWWW" thing, because, well, THAT'S SO FUCKING ROCKSTAR. HAHA.

So one of those girls I mentioned earlier notices that I'm by myself and goes, "You can hang with us! I'm officially adopting you!" \o/

The first person we talked to was Mike. Before we go any further, I need to provide some background, because the next couple of paragraphs are more epic than I ever would have imagined. Earlier, I wasn't sure what I wanted signed, so I brought along both my WtWCD CD and the self-titled album on cassette (Move Along and self-titled CD are framed in my bedroom, so I couldn't exactly drag those along. ;D). So anyway, I pulled both of those out and kind of did the weighing action thing with my hands, saying, "which one do you want to sign?" Mike's eyes goes straight to the cassette and he goes, "NO WAY. You have the cassette??!" At which point, inwardly, I was like, "FINALLY. SOMEONE SHARES MY GLEE ABOUT HAVING AN AAR RECORD ON CASSETTE!" So Mike goes, "You know, we didn't even get these, I had to buy my own copy on eBay!" I lol'ed. While he's signing it, Tyson looks over from where he's just finished talking with another bunch of girls. Well, I assume this is what happened beforehand, because the first thing I remember noticing was him going, "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Mike and I both look up and Tyson comes bounding over (omg, so adorable. haha). Mike kind of grins and hands it over and Tyson is literally all =DDDDDDD and wide-eyed with incredulousness. Then he looks at me and goes, "You're so cool!" Okay you guys, he told me I was cool, IT MUST BE TRUE. XD He pulls out the sleeve and starts examining every inch, turning it this way and that. I just wanted to slip him in my pocket! Then he turns around to call out to a roadie, going "LOOK AT THIS, HOLY SHIT." So while him and the roadie are exclaiming over the tape, Mike and I continue our conversation about him having to buy it on eBay. I asked him if it was a brand new one, and then he was talking about how it didn't have the cellophane wrap, but it looked new enough, and okay at this point I'm just rambling. But anyway, Mike signs the CD too while he's at it. <3333 What I hadn't noticed was that during the time Mike and I were talking, Tyson had gotten the roadie to pull out his phone and record WHAT SUSPICIOUSLY SOUNDED LIKE A WEBCAST. It wasn't live, obviously, but it could be uploaded later. I'd tuned in just in time to hear Tyson say something like, "...dudes, these things are from the nineties." Roadie dude behind the camera goes, "and who's the lucky owner?" At which point I was like, "OH NO. CAMERAS. VERY POSSIBLE INTERNET UPLOADAGE." Lol. But of course I couldn't just turn tail and run, so I was like, "I am..?" They both inch closer, and I try not to look terrified. Tyson asks me my name and I tell him and then more conversation happens, which I can't remember the details of unfortunately. But right, anyway, he signs it, I ask him for a hug, to which he replies, "of course!" And has to lean waaaaaay down to do so. But sjdkfjslkdjflksjdfklsjdf. HUGGGGGG. Then he turns back to the phone/camera and goes, "see, this is why you guys should join the AARmy, so we get to hang out and do cool stuff"...or you know, something along those lines. My brain was still going, "OMG. HUGGGGGGG."

CHRIS NEEEEXT! He was telling us about how they had so much fun in Jakarta, and also about the rest of the Aussie tour, the cities they were playing in, etc. But we didn't get long with him, because he had to go back to check his drum kit or something. D=

Another roadie comes in with an armful of small posters and starts handing them out, and we were all momentarily distracted. So at this point I'm trying to juggle everything in my arms, plus the added poster, while walking towards NICKOLAS WHEELER <33333 The cassette must've been just visible under it or something, because he also goes, "OH YOU HAVE THE CASSETTE!" I didn't even know how much more I could handle. THEIR EXCITEMENT WAS SO ADORABLE GODDAMN. And then we were both talking about how Mike bought his off eBay and Nick mentioned that they didn't get given the self-titled, but they did get Move Along on cassette (they were really still making cassettes in 2005?! I was surprised enough that the self-titled was available on cassette). He also pulls out the cassette + sleeve and gives it a once over himself and I'm standing there quietly with this HUGE ASS GRIN ON MY FACE because he has the trademark-Nick-Wheeler-cute-puppydog expression while looking at it.

Aaaand. Finally, we take some photos. It was then that I noticed that TYSON'S GLITTAH was most definitely present! Mike is still =DDDDD when we take the pic, and seriously, my cheeks are hurting by now. haha. And then when I get back to Nick, he goes, "HIYA!" JFKSLJDFLKSJFLDSF. WHY SO GODDAMN ADORABLE BOYS? YOU'RE DOING MY HEAD IN. But yes, no Chris, because he was needed somewhere. =(

Er, cropping myself out of these pics, because I'd like to look back at this post sometime in the future without cringing. ;)

Note the glittah, and the suit jacket. I know that's totes a favourite over at aared. XD
Me: Wow, you're even taller than I thought!
Tyson: I know! I'm a freak!

SEE. Mikey was like that the whole M&G, not just during photo time. <3333


They were all so sweet! Making sure everyone had posters, and getting extras for those who missed out. <3

OK. And now we get to the show! If you got this far, ily. I was right up against the barrier between Tyson and Mike. The first opening act were The Sundance Kids. You should check em out. I already ship the frontman and the guitar player. Based on like, 4 songs. I have no shame, I know. Next up, Hoobastank. Not really a fan of their music in general, but they're great live and the lead singer really knows how to work a crowd. OKAY ENOUGH OF THEM. So, Hoobastank get off stage, and then the techies move AAR's equipment into place, during which time I'm wondering if Tyson will be wearing something that couldn't even pass as a bra for most chicks. They finally come out, and turns out, he hasn't even bothered with that. Which is totally fine with me, because GLITTER RITTER WAS OUT IN FULL FORCE LIKE WHOA.


Unfortunately, the security guard decided to situate himself directly between me and Tyson. Look, I'm a bit insane, but I don't think I'm that dangerous. So yeah, 95% of my photos feature security dude's not amused face blocking Ty's bottom half. =/ It was even worse to begin with, because professional photographers are allowed in front for the first 3 songs. So I had to contend with trying to film around 7 people's heads during Dirty Little Secret, Fallin' Apart, and My Paper Heart.

Mosh pits are generally not my favourite place to be, but it was so damn worth it. I had someone's elbow on my neck/shoulder, someone else's elbow in my back, someone's hip in my waist, and someone's vagina like, rubbing all over my butt. Trufax. All these limbs and other intimate body parts were nicely glued together with buckets of sweat. 90% of which wasn't even mine. haha. I have bruises all up my arms from being pushed against the barrier. On my chest and knees too. But it's okay, BREATHING WAS THE LAST THING ON MY MIND. Have a look at my bruises anyway, and wince in sympathy.

The rest of the night is kind of a blur. Mike is as crazy as ever onstage! Just running/jumping around everywhere, and being ridiculously energetic.

Nick didn't come over to our side nearly enough times. =( And Chris is just difficult to get a good photo of period, his drum kit is very far back, because the others like a lot of room to move.

This is Unimpressed Security Dude #2. I know, I know, they choose the best places to stand. >:(


Just. Straight up. Awesome. (Also titled "Tyson likes licking things")

I got to hold onto Tyson's hand when he reached out at one point, and during It Ends Tonight when he sang:

It's my fault when you're blind
It's better that I see it through your eyes
All these thoughts locked inside
Now you're the first to know

He was looking STRAIGHT AT ME and if it weren't the crush of people, I probably would've fallen over.

And skdjflskfkd, I witnessed the Ritter/Wheeler guitar sex in person! Finally! \o/ This one was especially epic, and not just because I saw it IRL. Tyson gets down on his knees and does his licking Nick's guitar thing (which, that alone = *___*). AND IN RESPONSE, Nick tilts his hips forward and up, throws his head back, and makes the best O face evar. Eyes closed, mouth open, everything. I literally felt inappropriate watching and also almost died from the sexy at the same time. haha. So you'll forgive me for not having enough brain power in that moment to capture it on camera. D=

That is eclipsed though (I know what you're thinking - "THERE'S MOAR?" You better believe it bbs), by this moment during Fallin' Apart.

when that body's close to me, I can give you anything you'd ever need...

Sweet mother of all that is holy Tyson, I don't doubt that. Making that gif was the first thing I did when I got home. XD

My camera couldn't handle the extremely loud speakers - there's a lot of distortion (even during Mona Lisa. Camera fail, I know), which is why I haven't bothered with uploading the videos. I might later anyway for all my fellow hardcore flisters, because the view alone is worth it. =D

And finally, setlist, because we all know setlists are SRS BSNS. It looks kinda trippy, because I had to rotate it for it to be legible. XD

OH WAIT NO. I lied, one last thing, merch! (Which, unlike other concerts I've been to, wasn't ridiculously overpriced! =O) I have the Aussie tour shirt, the purple band shirt, and OK MAKE SURE YOU GUYS BUY THE MOVE ALONG-ESQUE HOODIE. It is seriously the comfiest thing I've ever owned. <3

Ugh, this is longer than my lab reports. But really, if you got through this, you're my hero. ♥


p.s. aared bbs, if you want a zip file with around 84 photos, I can do that for you. I would've just done it anyway, but I felt I had to warn you that almost every shot has Scowling Security Guys and/or Pesky Professional Photographers obstructing our precious view. ;)

*all american rejects, ~tyson ritter, so fucking awesome, obvious nick/tyson love is obvious, my squee let me show you it, ~chris gaylor, ~mike kennerty, ~nick wheeler

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