it's done, it's really been done and boy do i feel strange!

Apr 11, 2005 22:54

monday i woke up, ate some food got dressed in scrubs and went on my merry way to work, upon arrival i did not turn the key and remove it from the egnition i sat there, i sat in my over heating car for thirty minutes pondering on whether i should go or not. i'm sure you can guess that i did not go inside. thats' right i quit... well technically i'm fired but i did actions which caused me to get fired. i used to see people walk out or stop showing up and wonder why they didn't just quit decently like the rest of us pansy ass bastards, but that is why, cuz it will make you a pansy ass bastard... let me explain: the only reason myself and others like me quit is because we were sick and tired of the bullshit and sick of no one even trying to fix the bullshit... i dont' mean everyday bullshit, like stuff that happens everywhere... i mean other kind of stuff..... and if you quit gracefully that just shows that you're a decent person or some bullshit like that. but decent i am not and walk out i will, or just stop showing up... how else are they going to know i'm pissed, cuz if i would try to talk to them and explain myself one of two things would happen 1. i would start swearing which would lead the throwing things and lots and lots of crying or 2. they would try and make me believe that it's not so bad and i in turn would believe them and continue a path of living hell... . hm i don't know maybe i did the wrong thing, i don't think that it was right but i don't really think that i care at this point in time... it felt damn good, and weird... i gave almost three of the best years of my life to that shit hole

in other news drunk 'woman' with very obnoxiously large breasts suck, a lot and their mean and i dont' like her at all... no sirey, not one bit

i have this great idea... from now on if every single person within my earshot does not use a british/irish/scotish/australian accent (as fake as it may end up being) all hell will break loose!
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