my posts get more and more relevant to life

Aug 31, 2006 23:56

here is what I propose:

in other words, SUSPEND YOUR BELIEF LONG ENOUGH to finish reading all of this. it's short, I promise. also, I think you might even find it so obvious, that its apparent "stupidity" and "lack of reason" is actually its method of working. with this realization, you will laugh a few times. come on, you know you will...

get rid of voicemail that cuts us off mid-sentence.

1. relate the two concepts: "autonomous" and "living" irregardless of bias. the most crucial element of both these concepts is that fact that neither has been completely destroyed. proof of this is found in the fact that I am living long enough to write this. in other words, all that both autonomous AND living happens to have lived long enough to adapt a method of survival.

2. we get angry when we are leaving important elements of our thoughts within the trust of a system known as voicemail. albeit, no MATTER how important the thought, we will always eventually have the potential for that thought to be severed.

3. voicemail continues to survive because we keep using it. albeit, whenever cut off, we think that something is wrong with our desire to commincate. what makes us so angry is that really obvious fact that a completely robotic voice that mimics the voice of a nice, polite woman...doesn't give a shit about what we are saying when it cuts us off.

4. if voicemail can be momentarily assumed/imagined to be a living creature, then we have succumbed to that creature every single time we use it. in other words, we FEED that creature everything it needs to survive.

5. we can then look to the methods we have used to previously exterminate entire species. these methods are embarrassing because we don't like to admit how incredibly powerful we are as a human race. why do you think exterminators are associated with unethical, white trash workers, when in fact they are simply doing what the president/government orders us to do to each other: kill.

6. with this analogy, cockroaches are less of a parasite to us than voicemail is. cockroaches at least have the humility to eat our shit. voicemail, on the other hand, eats our language and thus our brain/thoughts.

7. voicemail has more in common with both cockroaches and brain tumors. but voicemail luckily can be killed merely by a collective, conscious decision that every human being can make without risking the survival of the human race.

8. this decision is to stop giving voicemail the food it needs to reproduce and thus evolve to become more powerful than the human language. this food is our thoughts. our thoughts temporarily do not need voicemail to be conveyed.

9. if every single human stopped feeding voicemail for long enough, such that the laws of economics no longer find it an entrepreneurial necessity/autonomy, voicemail as we know it now, will starve and go extinct.

10. lastly, in making a collective, intelligent conscious decision as a human race to do this, we will all remember that it worked. thus, we have a higher chance of recognizing voicemail and we at that point will see that it is rather simple to kill.

now you can go back to your beliefs, I don't want to suspend them long enough to make you self-conscious of those beliefs. that's not my job.

my job is to find a practical, simple method to rid our communications of the diseased elements that we call: voicemail.
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