so i'm learning that food shopping doesn't HAVE to be uber expensive....and i can still cook yummy dinners for half of what i had been spending even a month ago. i've found a few cheap eats/cooking sites that are really helping too....
i just found
this site which looks like it has some cool recipes. i tend to like to have leftovers so i can stretch the dollar a bit more, but the writer of this blog breaks down the recipes with cost (could be more or less depending how large the portions you choose to make) and it looks like the recipes are either for one or two people but i'm sure you could double the recipes if you so choose... (i've done it with other recipes i've found around the web).
another site i love and have been going back to time and again is
this site. you can buy a lot of the herbs used in the recipes either in bulk or at your local asian market (i'm lucky enough that i have probably the only asian market in the entire county right down the street from me...). and ironically, i see one of the recipes on the main page right now uses pre-made polenta....and i have a tube of this stuff sitting in my pantry. i've been looking for a new way to use it up.
anyway. just a few suggestions for cutting corners at the market but also ending up with pretty healthy and yummy meals!