Apr 02, 2007 21:55
Here's a poor skill of mine I thought I should share.
I belong to the YWCA Fitness center in my town. I think the gym membership runs somewhere around $500 or $600, which isn't terribly bad, but waaaaaay more than I can or want to pay for a gym membership. What I do is volunteer. I work 3 hours a week at the fitness center and all I have to pay is the $35 annual YWCA membership. Additionally, I use that time as one of my workout times as well, so I work out 4 days a week, and the Sunday volunteer day is at least ONE day I can be sure I'll work out even if I slack off (which I won't because I have to WORK there, see?)
So. Maintaining my health as a poor skill, on poor skill terms. And one more benefit I get out of the whole thing is this - I shower 3 mornings a week at the gym, thus reducing the cost of water to my household.
It's one of my favorite poor skill things.