Title: Out from under Her bough
Word Count: 185
Rating: G
Theme: Rather be lonely in love than alive with and dead.
Charaters: Fran
Notes: Spoilers to Eryut, for
ff_100 challenge 20.
Viera are of the wood, other races are not. This is the truth of Ivalice. Viera are the children of the Wood, and they know Her best of all the races. This knowledge does not come without a price. Viera are of a single mind in their dedication to the Wood, they ward her from the harm of humes, from the ravages of nature, they keep the balance. A viera is no longer viera if she leaves the wood. This is the truth of the Green Law.
Fran had never stepped on ground outside of the wood, and yet she stood on the edge of the Golmore Jungle looking out across the plains. To take one more step meant her past would be forever cut away, left behind. To take one more step meant she might meet her soulmate. She tried to imagine never hearing the Wood’s voice again. She tried to imaging knowing another being so completely as to be half of a whole instead of just herself. She could do neither. She took a step out onto the plains and into bright sun.