FIC: Quarter Life Crisis (20/24) - Carlton/Shawn - PG-13 - Psych

Jun 15, 2007 00:37

Title: Quarter Life Crisis (20/24)
author: PookaSeraph
pairing: Carlton/Shawn
rating: PG-13
disclaimer: Not mine, Never will be
summary: It's the Forth of July and Karen corners Shawn to clear up some misconceptions.

Previous Parts:
[One] | [Two] | [Three] | [Four] | [Five] | [Six] | [Seven] | [Eight]
[Nine] | [Ten] | [Eleven] | [Twelve] | [Thirteen] | [Fourteen] | [Fifteen] | [Sixteen]
[Seventeen] | [Eighteen] | [Nineteen]

Current Part:

Chapter 20:

Shawn had not been to the annual SBPD Fourth of July picnic in over ten years. The event had always been an exercise in frustration as a child: Henry's obsessive attention to the grilling, everyone there speculating on Shawn's future in college and the Academy, and, of course, the parental meltdown with whatever trouble Shawn managed to get into with all of the other children.

This year he had cooked a honey baked ham (no pineapple, due to Carlton's allergy), amazing meatballs, as well as preparing two different pies.

Carlton was currently carrying the ham while Shawn dragged everything else in the sort of precarious balancing act that was expected of someone who had worked in food service for too long.

He caught sight of Gus and Jules, already mingling. Shawn's goal was for Carlton to be at least a little social. It wasn't that these were people Carlton didn't like, the man just had a difficult time at these sorts of mingle and chat events. Shawn had been a natural at these since late in high school and considered it his duty to walk Carlton through it. Shawn had no delusions about Carlton actually enjoying himself, but he hoped it wouldn't be as painful as usual.

Shawn also caught sight of the Chief, Mr Vick, and young daughter, Carly, greeting everyone as they came in.

"Carlton, Shawn." She paused for a moment. "Lassiter did you buy a ham?"

"God, no! Shawn made it." Shawn might have beamed slightly, but he would deny it later.

"You can bake, Shawn?"

"I made pies too! Apple and cherry."

Various foodstuffs finally set out, Shawn grabbed a beer and prepared to do his best to mingle.

He was about to approach Francie, the very lovely Mrs McNab, when the Chief came up to him with an intense look about her.

"Mr Spencer, a moment of your time."

"Of course, Chief, anything for you!"

She lead Shawn slightly further off from the crowds so they could continue their conversation in private. Shawn was slightly on guard as he was relatively certain what to expect from the conversation. Carlton had mentioned that the Chief wasn't sure of Shawn's intent. Shawn knew it wasn't his responsibility to placate the Chief's fears, but he wanted to make an effort for Carlton.

Of course, for Shawn, 'effort' was relative.

"I've been given the impression that you and Lassiter have been dating for over eight months." That was a pretty strange conversational opener and Shawn had to wonder what sort of answer she was expecting from it.

"So that's why we keep waking up in a naked tangle of limbs and arms!" Shawn was certain his smart ass comment was worth the half terrified and slightly sick look that crossed her face.

"Mr Spencer, I ..."

"You did want to know about our relationship," Shawn reminded her.

"What I wanted to be sure of was that Carlton is not throwing away his career for some ... midlife crisis."

"Hey, I'm a fantastic midlife crisis!"

"Mr Spencer, do you have any appreciation for exactly how much of his career Lassiter just sacrificed for you? Or is this just one of so many other things you have no understanding of? It just rolls of your back, Mr Spencer, doesn't it?"

"Chief, I'll have you know I have a immense appreciation for Lassy's sacrifices on this matter. I'll have you know he was able to set aside his attachment to the left side of the bed *and* his intense love of cold maple syrup, both of which were relationship sticking points for me."

The Chief had this incredibly disheartened look on her face.

Shawn wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say either. Henry never wanted to talk about Carlton unless it was about the fish they'd caught or some case he'd solved. Besides, Henry's relationship with Annette didn't exactly instill confidence Henry could speak on the subject. Jules would always be Carlton's partner before she was Shawn's girl friend, they sometimes talked about Carlton but only in terms of Jules' invasive personal questions to try to figure him out, not about -- 'relationship things'. Shawn was routinely subjected to the status of Jules' relationship with Gus, though. But Gus freaked out whenever Shawn started questioning the relationship anywhere near him. Gus said things about 'not ruining Santa Barbara for him'.

But now the Chief wanted him to talk. Shawn was a very chatty person by nature, but not about anything as personal as *feelings*. Unless it was for Carlton.

"What if he real did make a huge mistake?" It came out in the sort of soft whisper that Shawn never seemed to manage on purpose.

"It seems a little late for you to be reflecting on the potential impact on his career, Mr Spencer!" The Chief had the tone she only seemed to use whenever Shawn was making a complete ass of himself on a case.

"He's a great guy! He could meet someone pretty, blonde, he loves blondes. She'd be more serious than me and have one of those careers you read about in serious business magazines. They could have kids! She'd knit him golf club cozies, or something. I --" Shawn was about to continue his train of thought rambling when he brought himself back under control. He didn't look cool and he certainly didn't look psychic, and the Chief would probably think he was about to have some sort of psychic fit.

She had that slightly terrified look cross her face again and Shawn folded his arms to his chest and looked down at his feet. After a half second he realized how vulnerable that made him look and uncrossed his arms, trying to project some aura of 'cool' that had been dulled by his outburst.

"Mr Spencer --" Shawn tried not to let it show that he was preparing for her scolding. "He's already met her."

Shawn felt the ice cold chill of Vick's words down his spine and cursed his foolish optimism. Carlton had sworn there wasn't anyone else, he'd said they were something special and that he loved Shawn. He'd -- Karen interrupted his thoughts.

"Her name is Samantha Lassiter, and their divorce was finalized a little over a month ago. And I don't have to be a psychic to know that you are the reason he's not still just separated."

Shawn tried not to look like a twelve year old girl who just got passed a love note from the cute kid who ate paste three seats down.

"The spirits aren't very helpful when it comes to love."

Karen patted him on the shoulder, making him feel quite a bit better. "About love?" She asked, slightly teasing.

Shawn's eyes scanned the picnic crowd where Carlton was chatting up some of his Civil War reenactor buddies. Shawn didn't care how goofy the grin lighting up his face was at that moment. "Yeah, love."

Karen smiled and walked away, leaving Shawn temporarily at a loss for words.

qlc, psych, fic

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