FIC: Quarter Life Crisis (2/??) - Spencer/Lassiter

Apr 16, 2007 10:23

Title: Quarter Life Crisis (2/??)
author: PookaSeraph
pairing: Carlton/Shawn
rating: PG
disclaimer: Not mine, Never will be
summary: Shawn tries booze and conversation on Lassiter, Lassiter resists admirably.

Previous Parts:
Unnumbered future parts:
[ N ] | [N+1]

Tom Blair's was already rocking when Shawn and Gus arrived at a little before seven. It was easy to get a table though, it was the bar that was packed tight. Shawn and Gus took up opposite sides of the table. A nice intimate booth, somehow he didn't think Lassy would be up for a snuggle however.

"Don't do anything stupid, Shawn," Gus warned him.

"Gus, I solemnly swear I will not do anything more stupid than lying to the police about being a psychic, and then playing the same lie for all it's worth for over six months."

"Not funny, Shawn!"

Gus was probably about to protest more when Jules and Lassiter came in, scanning the crowd. Shawn waved enthusiastically, grabbing Jules' attention. Lassiter continued to look surly, but Jules maneuvered him over to the table. Gus might think Shawn was dabbling in insanity but at least had Shawn's back enough to get Jules sitting next to him.

Lassiter glared at the empty space next to Shawn looking like sitting next to the fake psychic might actually be a deal breaker.

Shawn got up and valiantly offered the seat against the wall.

"Lassiter you can have the inside seat! I'll be happy to take a bullet for you in any scuffle that might break out," Indecision warred on the detective's face but eventually decided hidden from view won out over stuck in a booth by Shawn.

Their waitress finally showed up and drinks were ordered. Shawn fanned opened the menu and pondered the merits of appetizers versus a full meal.

"Wings?" Shawn asked to the table at large.

"You know that's right," Gus agreed quickly. "Juliet?"

"Is the spinach dip any good?" Jules asked, staring at the menu.

"I've had better," Shawn answered honestly, "but it's good stuff." Jules nodded. "Wings and spinach dip, Carlton?"

Lassiter glared at him spectacularly. "Sounds fine," he mumbled back.

Shawn didn't let his frustration bleed out visibly but really he was hoping that Lassiter be at least a little bit more talkative. Maybe another drink or two would help.

"So, Mary Lou, any lingering effects from your extended exposure to the sisters?" Shawn grinned at her.

"Very funny, Shawn. No ill-effects, but I am glad to be out of there, girls can be so mean sometimes. Leaving that behind will be a relief."

"At least you didn't get axe murdered, that would've been not cool. Lassiter would have needed a new partner and everything," Lassiter stiffened and had an even deeper scowl on his face in response to Gus.

"Oh yeah! So, Carlton, what was the deal with the new special assignment partner?" It was clear almost instantly that Lassiter would rather talk about anything but that, but really the man needed to talk, and Shawn would consider it his mission for the rest of the evening.

"Rookie Detective, she was either a heart attack or a law suit waiting to happen. Turned out she went for the heart attack. That's where I was when you called about O'Hara," The whole table was silent for a few seconds, maybe hoping the continued silence would provoke more words from the tight lipped detective. Unfortunately, the waitress returned with drinks, and by the time appetizers were ordered, Lassiter seemed to have slipped back from the center of attention.

"Well, Carlton, let me say it's an honor to no longer be the last person in the world you want to talk to, I think it's a step forward!" Shawn held his drink up for a toast. Gus and Jules quickly touched their glasses to his, Lassiter finally joined them when he realized Shawn wasn't going to give up until he did.

"Spencer, going up in that rating doesn't mean I actually want to spend time with you," Lassiter growled. Shawn responded with a playful half-pout.

"I'll grow on you, Carlton, I promise!" He was pretty sure he heard a mumbled 'like a fungus' from Lassiter's direction. He responded with a huge grin. "Aww, don't be like that. I'm very lovable."

Gus sputtered a little on his drink in response, but Jules was grinning from ear to ear. Getting Lassiter to loosen up and spill about his life was one of her life goals. She would be entirely supportive of this de-shelling of Carlton effort.

Wings were consumed, more rounds were ordered. A few old cases were rehashed and teasing was administered mercilessly where teasing was due. Lassiter did not contribute much at all, but Shawn noticed that the detective actually had a smile on his face by the end, and it probably wasn't just the liquor talking, because he'd only had three.

Dinner was winding down and Shawn was plotting ways to flirt more with Lassiter but was really coming up short. The man was an immovable stone.

"Jules, Lassy, it's been an awesome six months for Gus and me working with the Police Department as Official Head Psychic," Lassiter twitched at the 'title' but actually didn't snap to correct it, which Shawn considered a mild victory. "So, here's to partnerships, and many happy future cases."

"Shawn, that's really sweet," Jules was obviously won over. Gus had that nervous look on his face again. Lassiter looked like he was sucking a lemon.

"Spencer, the Santa Barbara Police Department is perfectly capable of solving cases without your interference," Shawn pouted and tried to think of something nice to say.

"Carlton, you and Jules are awesome detectives, but that doesn't mean you couldn't use a little psychic nudge from time to time!" Lassiter's face changed from sucking a lemon to looking a little annoyed.

Shawn realized that he was a little stumped at this. It seemed like Lassiter might well and truly not like him. A few weeks ago, tweaking the Detectives nose and getting one of his trademark scowls was exactly what Shawn would have been aiming for, but instead every scowl was a defeat, especially since he had previously been smiling and enjoying himself.

When the check came, Shawn covered the whole thing and a good tip, feeling quite virtuous.

"Juliet, I could drive you home if you'd like," Gus was in rare wing man form tonight, and Shawn was a little grateful for that.

"Sure, Lassiter and I drove over together from work." The two of them headed off and out of the Pub leaving Lassiter trapped in the booth next to Shawn.

"Want another round, Carlton?" Shawn grinned.

"That's not necessary, Spencer, I have an early shift tomorrow," Shawn nodded and headed for the door. He'd just have to try again later. Maybe try cooking. Wasn't there a saying about that being the way to a man's heart?

Shawn exited the booth and Lassiter followed close behind him. They made it out of the parking lot together and we about to go their separate ways.

"Where did you park your death trap?" Lassiter asked, obviously not seeing the motorcycle in the lot.

"Oh, Gus drove. I'm catching a cab, maybe walking," It was a nice night even if it was rapidly getting colder it wouldn't reach anything like freezing. Shawn pointed himself in the direction of his apartment and started walking.

He'd only taken a few steps when Lassiter called after him. "Spencer," Shawn turned around confused. "I can drive."

Shawn bit down the snappy comeback about being proud Santa Barbara's finest knew how to drive and decided to take the offer as it was given.

"Sweet, thanks, Lassy!" The look on Lassiter's face said he instantly regretted the invitation. He didn't take back the invitation though, and Shawn climbed into the car. He told Lassiter his address, hardly a mile away.

Shawn did his best to ride in silence, maybe Lassiter would at least appreciate that. Shawn had bitten halfway through his lip by the time they were half way to his house.

"We should do this again sometime!" Lassiter grunted in response, not sounding too enthusiastic. "Or I can cook!"

"Spencer, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to eat anything you would cook."

"Dude, come on! I'm an excellent cook. Anything you want! I won't take no for an answer," Shawn was grasping at straws. "I'll eat it too, so you know I didn't poison it."

Lassiter finally reached the front of Shawn's apartment and he still hadn't answered the question. Shawn supposed Lassiter probably wouldn't physically throw him out of the car.

"Throw me a bone here, Carlton. If you don't give me a hint I will just have to Steak and Potatoes it," Shawn could have probably just guessed something Lassiter liked, various indian, chinese, and mexican food had been on Lassiter's desk at various times when Shawn had visited the department, but there was not a man in the world who didn't love steak.

"I'm ..." Lassiter trailed off, "Steak is fine. I'm allergic to mint, pineapple, and strawberries."

Shawn nearly recoiled in horror. Lassiter was allergic to pineapple?! Talk about relationship hurdles.

"Friday, around 9, I know you're off work late. Just bring yourself. It'll be sweet!" Shawn sat, waiting for confirmation that Lassiter had agreed to his terms.

"I'll be there," he finally ground out.

"Apartment G. See ya friday, Carlton."

Shawn exited the car and did his best to put a little sashay in the walk, but he was pretty sure Carlton wasn't watching. He opened the outer door to the complex and turned around to see Lassiter waiting for Shawn to get through the door. Shawn gave a half-wave and Lassiter drove off.

Shawn laughed softly and tried to figure out how he was going to jazz up steak and potatoes to really impress him.

Shawn hummed all the way up the stairs to his apartment. Maybe not so hopeless after all.

qlc, psych, fic

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