(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 16:22

Yet another dark spot reveals itself in Mayfield's bright tapestry. But this seems different... The usual forces are not at work here.

Who is this man? What war is being waged between him and our captors? He's no ally of ours, if these constant "gifts" of his are any indication. I fear things may have taken a turn for the worse...

Everyone, I'm sure I need not remind you, but please: be careful.

[private except not]

She's here. Gods above, the Princess is here...

As if things in Erion were not bad enough. Must we forever be trapped in nightmares? I would have gladly suffered through Mayfield if it meant her safety, but now...



What am I saying? There is no reason to abandon hope! So long as Velvet is here, I will protect her with my last breath. And Ingway, as well!

Princess Velvet has endured enough. She will not suffer here, even if I must do so twofold in her stead. Upon my name as the prince of Titania, I swear it!

...Ha. Brave words, spoken to an empty room. Yet still they ring true- I cannot allow myself to fall prey to despair. Mayfield is a terrible place, but if by my efforts I can make it a little less miserable...

Then it will be well worth it.
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