Title: Circles
Author: PonyATF
Pairing: JonghyunxKey
Genre: Romance (drabbles, made into a one-shot)
Rating: Pg-15
Disclaimer: I neither own the boys, nor do I make any money with this story.
Summary: The ups and downs in a relationship are the amplitudes of our life. Basically...
A/N: Back to my obsession with mathematics... Guh... Anyways, the
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Glad we talked that through (^0^)
Brace urself, my sweet disciple-shipper-cutey... As I am the chosen one, I WILL end up crucified, as our still unwritten holy text may or may not say... But heck, it'll be a long time till then and I do it for the Jongkey-sake so no prob at all...
Plus: In my dictionary it says, a crucification means I'll reincarnate as two crossing streets... o__O (That's not so bad, right? I mean, it is better than become a rock or something.... Hmhm....)
(The amount of hearts is already unbelievable, but additionally is ur icon FILLED WITH HEARTY KYULOVE!! I can't compete with that and I am still recovering from ur glorious kyu-attack...)
Kyu is ♥
......... I have a new favorite gif now and it gets better and better, the longer I stare at it and it IS NOT EVEN A KEY-ONE!?
......... I have no words to thank you for this, in fact, you have given me this gif, which I am going to ask to marry me, therefor u are the one who introduced me to my future husband/wife (what is a gif, male? female?) and again, I have no words, just look at the gibberish I wrote so far, I am not even looking at what I type I just stare into those beautiful eyes and even though u totally made me nuts right now ilu, lilu ilu ilu ilu for giving me this gif!
I now pronounce you gif and wife XDDD
Only for you my bb ♥
kekekeke I so want to kiss my monitor right now beacuse of kyu bb
But wait, doesn't that mean, that the gif has just now converted to the Jonkey-shipism?!
Anyways, this marriage is based on love and perversion, I think we will reach a high age together, kekekekeke
hell I bet the real Kyuhyun ships Jongkey as well. My hubby Kyu has got to ship Jongkey kekekeeeee
*wipes tears* I'm happy for the both of you.. I'm sure you'll love each other til the end of time ;u;
LMAOOOOO XDD I sense a slutty jong/key gif appearing soon.. that is what those two are good at kekekeeekee love those sluts xDD
that definition of crucification is weird but definitely better lol xDD two crossing street.. does that mean.. jong street crosses with kibum street! 8D
And I will be the middle-square, bordered by the street-lights etc... Awe, I am already looking forward to that, kekeke
*pretends to be all omnious and calm*
(The thing with the real cross 'n stuff wouldn't be my taste... I am a vampire, u know? We dun like those crosses!)
I want to be in the middle too xDDDDD
roflol this is my first time encountering a pony vampire xDD
It is pretty hard to hide all the pervertness of our religion (Happy-trail-nirvana etc)
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... guh, ah Jongkey-sandwhich with a free spot in the middle... <333333333333
Now, you never met a vampire-pony before? Well then: enchantée!
Jongkey sandwich threesome!!!! *DROOLS*
Don't bite me pls kekekeke :3
And our sacred clothing shall be leo-print, our sacred food are sandwiches and ice cream and our motto is: BE PERVERTED, LOVE THE JONGKEY AS THE JONGKEY LOVEZ ITSELF!
I shall forever keep in heart and mind our motto!!!!!! XDD
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