Welcome to the Listing Meme.Ask me to make you a list - of anywhere up to ten items - of anything. It could be my two favourite alcohols to combine*, my top five fonts to use**, my six favourite kinds of junk food***, or my number one hated thing to see while riding a bus****. I'll reply as accurately as I can
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Life Spying Meme Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about -- it can be anything from my favorite shirt to my dvds to my sibs. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry, I'll snap the pictures and post them in the next post.
(If it can be about uni, that would be good. I'm there right now.)
Ernest Hemingway was once prodded to compose a complete story in six words. His answer, personally felt to be his best prose ever, was "For sale: baby shoes, never used." Some people say it was to settle a bar bet. Others say it was a personal challenge directed at other famous authors.I'm laying down the gauntlet. Let's hear some six-word stories
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Oooh ooh! Yesterday I tested the screenprinting process on an actual shirt. Whilst it didn't come out perfectly (to be expected with a first attempt), it's still pretty dang cool! HEre is a photo of how it looks.