Going against the tide

Jul 21, 2007 19:20

I'm not reading Deathly Hallows. Just thought I should say that. I read the first four books; enjoyed them, they're entertaining, but they're not the best thing since sliced bread, y'know? I decided to wait till I could read all of them at once. In paperback, not hardcover. Because I have tendinitis and it literally *hurts* me to hold up a book that weighs several pounds, and... I just don't jump on every bandwagon that rolls by. Skepticism: it's a character trait.

That said, I've seen reports from two people (whose opinions I respect [thebratqueen and stoney123]) on my flist who loved it, so... yeah, I'll probably read it, eventually. But not now.

So... what are people talking about besides Harry Potter?


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