Three pimps and a life update

Jul 07, 2007 11:06

Pimp #1: Boundaries by janedavitt. (The Sentinel, J/B, rating: R) Jane wrote this story for me in exchange for my donation to Sweet Charity, and it exceeded my expectations in several ways. I asked for older Jim and Blair reconciling after a several-year separation or rift, and I gave her several suggestions for details that she could weave into the story if she so chose. My bid was for a 5,000-word minimum story, but apparently the prompts I gave her set off her muse, because the finished story is 33,000 words! (::squee::!)

Warning: this is no sweet first-time love story, it's a powerful emotional roller-coaster ride of a tale of two strong, stubborn, sometimes stupid men. I wanted to throttle them more than once! But it's beautifully written, with plausible characterizations, and the end left me nearly speechless. So, if you like angsty stories, you'll love this one!

Pimp #2: Nominations for the Light My Fire Awards close July 15. Please nominate your favorite Sentinel stories! Don't assume that someone else will do it...

Pimp #3: After the Boundaries angst-o-rama, the current SGA fandom John/Rodney Kissing Meme started by sheafrotherdon was the perfect antidote. Kisses are my number one "bullet-proof kink." As I write this, there are five pages of kissing ficlets (a few are sad, but most definitely aren't) -- go, read, enjoy!


In other news, I have very little time for LJ these days. I shouldn't even be here now, but hey, gotta pimp. :) The good news is that my latest big work project has been tamed from big scary "OMG, I am in over my head" to manageable, with an action plan.

My house is getting more manageable as well; H and I are on a major declutterification kick. We spent July Fourth taking everything out of my study (and I do mean everything!), cleaning it, putting up new drapes, putting the furniture back in a different way that works better, and putting back ONLY the stuff that I actually NEED. I'm spending the weekend sorting through other stuff, filing, and tossing what I don't need. Feels good.

stargate atlantis, charity, life, sentinel, recs, projectbalance

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