Yinathing icons/Pimp for Complementary Colors by Yin

Apr 21, 2007 11:20

I was going to wait until the April 27 deadline to post the icons I made for Yinathing 2007, but then yin_again posted the wonderful Sheppard/McKay story Complementary Colors, and I like it so much that I want to give her gift to her early. In this pre-slash AU, Rodney is a renowned abstract artist who needs a model; the modeling agency sends John. Yin herself said "This started out as a crack AU, but then it *flail* kinda did something else." I love it when that happens, because no matter what cracked-out setting/occupations she comes up with, her John and Rodney voices are always solid, and you can count on something that's going to make you laugh, cry, or go "aww" -- and usually all three. This one's funny, fascinating in its description of the artistic process, and touching. Highly recommended.

So, for Yinathing 2007, I was given the icon prompt "Summer things with 'Yin' on them." Here they are, sweetie -- I hope you like them!



stargate atlantis, icons, recs

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