I'm back! It rained the whole time we were there (Newport, RI), but we did our best not to let the weather get us down. We ate really good food and curled up and read real books, which was nice and relaxing. I'm now mid-way through the third book in Tanya Huff's "Blood" series (on which the new Lifetime Blood Ties TV series is based).
So I've spent the day doing laundry, which I haven't done in more than a week since I hurt my shoulder a week ago, catching up on LJ (sheesh, people, I'm gone two days and I come back to skip=300! :), and now I'm playing with Photoshop (making icons for
yin_again's Yinathing 2007).
Note to self: schedule more frequent changes of scenery and time away from the computer; it's for your own good.