(no subject)

Mar 13, 2009 11:35

i really want to go to the queens county farm and will make a plan to do so when we really are in to spring.

it might sound silly to some because i live in a fantastic city, but i get so tired of the hustle and yearn for a quieter life. the beach, the mountains, a farm. some grass, some trees. some water. nothing planted on the purpose or promise of greenery. i want it in a natural setting.

and so i will take the subway to .... queens.

speaking of queens, (nice segway, jill) my lj friend lostbirdfound was a guest blogger this week over on design*sponge. today's post was on design and art in queens, but if you scroll down, you'll find the same subject in places like croatia, mexico, and india. it was a really great week for the guest blog on d*s. a nice needed different spin in that blog.

i really need new shoes - so i have 45 minutes before work to go find some. xo

links, things i want to do

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