All work and no play makes Jack write literary tripe.

Apr 29, 2005 16:14

Hi all,

This is a bit of a brain dump; a stream-of-consciousness monologue. Imagine the narrator planning a confrontation in their head, thinking what they would say to the other person if they had the chance. It's a teensy bit autobiographical, but mostly fictional... I hope the reference isn't too obscure. Let me know if you have no idea what I'm blabbing about. :)

It hasn't been edited or had a crap filter put on it, so tell me if there's anything that sounds too kitsch or awkward. I just needed to write something before the imminent Sunday, so here it is!




I don't like you any more.

I think I used to for a while, but I can't remember why. I don't know whether it was just because you were there, because I was there, or whether there really was something about you that I found appealing. Whatever it was, it's gone now. I can't stand you. Everything about you makes me feel horrible and empty.

I'd never done it before. Not with anyone. I thought that I could trust you with it. I gave it to you; I wanted you to have it. At the time, I thought you appreciated it. I thought you treasured it. I gave it, I gave myself, to you, because I wanted you to be the one.

I know now that you stole it from me. I offered it to you, but you snatched it away and didn't even thank me for it. You never cared for a second who it came from. You just wanted to get it. But as soon as you had it, you didn't want it any more. It was meaningless to you. I was just as meaningless. You let go of me and didn't even stop to help me up again.

I wish I had given it to the right person, someone who would take care of it as much as I did. But you can't give it back now; it's yours forever. It belonged to me for such a short time, even though it meant so much to me. You don't even want to keep it, but you're stuck with it for the rest of your life. I wish I could have it back. You've left me with a debt that can never be repaid.

I don't like you any more.

kadooshka, theft

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