and wot i am going to sell on trademe, when i figure out just how to do that.. *ponders this*..
so they are altar cloths made from black calico, with new zealand craft print boarders all 100% (cotton as far as i am awear)and then painted with a spiral on one a pentagram on one and lastly the triple moon. there are two sizes
the spiral measuring 40cm X 53.5cm comes at a cost of $25 plus postage and package.. umm i am not sure how much that is yet,but i am guessing that for around new zealand it will not be anymore than $5
The Pentagram measuring 38.5cm X 54cm also come at a cost of $25
this is what it looks like on an altar.. Oooo.. arrr.. pretty
The Triple Moon with a full boarder of new zealand craft prints, measuring 76cm X 76cm. this comes at a cost of $40
this is what it looks like on an altar.. OOooo Pretty
so maybe next week or the week after depending on money and stuff i will go down and get some more craft print, and figure out some diffrent designs that i can paint on the cloth.. yay fun!!
i also made a pretty skirt but i am not selling that.. and will post a picture of it when i have finnished it... *beams*