Re-Post from Rah's Blog

Nov 10, 2008 09:02

Rah posted this on his MySpace blog.  I thought I would share it with you guys.

Ogia Campbell, Barack Obama and Pride in One’s Pensmanship...

Current mood: accomplished

Category: Life

I was moved by my brother's photo from playing on Election Night in Harlem after the announcement of Barack Obama as our next president was made, and even moreso by his dedication of his playing that night to his elders, including the two women in my most recent photo added on here - Zepher Selby and Ogia Campbell. Check out his photos on Myspace - to see the images of him playing in Harlem this past Tuesday night.

For as long I can remember, Ogia, or "Ogee" as I've come to know her, has been a source of both humor and pride in our family for a NUMBER of reasons. (Roland, you'll get a kick out of the tact displayed in that statement.) She doesn't hear very well, which has led to comically frustrating moments on the phone as my Mom tries to relay messages back and forth between her and my Granny, the other woman in the photo (on the left).

But, Ogia has also sent (sometimes several times a month) some amazingly sweet, sharp and studious letters to my grandmother over the years. She is a woman certainly of sound mind, if her hearing does leave something to be desired. This is meaningful because she deeply understands the significance of Barack Obama's election as 44th president of the United States of America in a way that most Americans have perhaps imagined, but certainly have not been able to identify with on many levels.

Ogia Campbell's mother was born into slavery in the same country that has just chosen an African-American to serve as our 44th President.

Ogia Campbell's letters have shown up regularly to my childhood home over the years and her penmanship is incredible. She grew up in a community where the ability to write legibly was source of pride. Her pride must have been strong, as her letters are written in cursive!

My grandmother's been a little sick as of late, and hasn't yet called Ogia since Obama's victory. I imagine that if she's not careful, Ogia may just beat her to the punch, filling her mailbox with another cursive example of the deep pride that has carried her, and her country, through so many years towards and beyond such a wonderful achievement.


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