Dec 15, 2005 02:04
Take the first line of the first post for each month and that's your year in review.
January- You are a DGT--Dark Gross Traditional. This makes you a Prankster.
Comedy for you is when a person is kept in the most discomfort for the longest period of time. This means practical jokes, pranks, and sticking a hair up a sleeping person's nose so he slaps himself awake.
February- Had fun this weekend. Wish I had known it was a pajama party, as I would've had an excuse to buy something overly cute.
March- Got an apartment! A nice clean wonderful GIRL apartment! *happy contented sigh*
Okay, I cheated on that one because the first entry that month was a survey.
April- What, exactly, is expected after you literally sleep with a guy?
May- I just keep getting better and better at this life thing. It's like I have this radar that serves to locate the MOST inappropriate person for me to fool around with.
June- Damn, it's been a long time since I've pulled an all-nighter. I'm getting too old for this shit. Teen drama up to my neck and my dear friend vomiting profusely in the bathroom.
July- Kid gave me acne. More later.
August- Kid sucks at grilled cheese sandwiches.
September- I really liked my horoscope in the Spirit this week and I meant to copy it down and put it in here.
October- It's one-thirty in the morning. I hafta be at work at Target at eight. But I won't be in bed till at least two. Why? Because Miles had a deprived childhood in which he never saw any horror movies and is now insisting on watching Jaws.
November- Today = less than stellar. As much as I loved playing the 'I'm going to quit smoking, just might take a couple years.' game the first time around, I'd rather not play it again.
December- It kinda blows not having a computer. News! Changing apartments. Moving in with Meeeeeeles.
That's actually a fairly good year in review. Excepting maybe September, which was random.
And now I must go because Brittany is starting Coupling without me. *sprints*