On our last night out together Zach tells me the story from his first stay in Israel. He had a friend in the states and their method of correspondence was via tapes. They would decide on a theme for their tape and then one person would add a song, send the tape to the other, who would add the next song, and so on and so forth till they had a full
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Comments 6
For example, in our little valley bubble, we still managed to be a high school group of two Latinos, one Muslim/Pakistani, three Israelis, one Chinese, and some scattered whites. Yes, we did share social class and culture because we grew up together, but the chance of that happening in a rural area are so much smaller. And that's only one small thing that separates the two.
Also, for a suburb, the San Fernando Valley is quite urban. I currently live in the biggest city in New Mexico (aprox. 700,000 people) and I MISS the valley. This decently sized city makes me miss how much diversity and opportunity the valley had. Cities like San Francisco and LA just spread their culture all over the little areas that surround them.
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