Jan 27, 2011 10:37
I've mentioned that in the middle of all this Early Intervention crap we're doing for Philip that his language has exploded, right? It's been sort of extraordinary. He still has the anxiety crap, but the language delays are starting to fade a bit. Sure, receptive language is still an issue, but it's more of a delay now than a not-present-at-all, like it was. Sure, his sounds have problems. Two or more syllables are often cut down to one, hard for him to pronounce sounds are often dropped.
Dammit, though, there's some awesome cognition going on in there.
Just a minute or two ago? I heard him count to nine. Jilly still gets stuck counting to three (she knows the numbers, but counting two things is the best she seems able to do now, and will either count "one, three", "two, three", "one, two, one" or something like that). Holy hell, kid. Way to show off. I dunno if he can repeat this feat, but, wow.