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I think you've quite proven me wrong on that mark.
I do think a character like Rosella could go down that road if played carelessly and without depth. But! I think you've had a lot of time to develop her personality and you've got a sense of the kind of depth necessary to keep her from becoming something like a simplistic, knock-off Disney princess. And the way you keep integrating the things that she goes through (good and ill) add to that kind of depth and story behind her. It's pretty impressive to see how all the details of her past--both in canon and in the City--filter through to her day-to-day characterization. Keep on doing what you're doing because I think you're doing splendidly~
I'm sorry I can't speak to Rosella's characterization specifically, but she's seemed consistent in all the months and weeks that I've played characters with and against her. She is who she is~ And, above all, mad props for keeping her out of the Pretty Pretty Princess trap and for making her a complex and interesting character.
You know how much I love her, right? I don't need to go over that again, do I? Well, you know it all already. Just repeat it several times over. I really enjoy threading with her and plotting with you and all the crazy stuff we get our characters into. I hope that we can keep doing that for a long, long time to come. I hope we can create more crazy plot twists, dance around in more bizarre curses, and banter for a long time yet.
Also, Rudy, you're just such a troll. I know you're sometimes worried that he's being more annoying than lulzy. That's a fine line to walk, but, for my part, I've never been more annoyed that amused by him. So I wouldn't worry about him. He comes across as ICly obnoxious but OOCly funny. So don't sweat, don't sweat~
Let's play more :3c
P.S.: Still first.
Speaking of things that always come up, I know I always say this at some point on HMD or another, but really, some of my favorite moments with Rosella are the times when I get to take fairy-tale logic and play it completely straight, often with hilarious results because of it. (I remember one time when we still had Warden elections and someone was trying to explain representative democracy to Rosella, and I got to stretch my debating muscles and argue that democracy makes no sense and monarchy is obviously the way to go, because that's what Rosella would think.) So I think that part of what helps to keep her feeling real is taking a kind of tongue-in-cheek approach to her worldview and playing around with that. In a way, I've almost gotten a little bit meta with the Pretty Pretty Princess thing, since Rosella's sort of developed a habit of consciously picking out all the ways that she's not. But she really has never been a traditional sort of princess (she was breaking expectations even from her very inception--she was the first female adventure game protagonist ever, if memory serves), and so it's fun to use her to kind of deconstruct fairytale stereotypes and explore a modern world from an unusual perspective.
Also, can I just say that I love that Cain cheered her up the other day? She was all set to be hesitant and nervous and carefully approach the situation for a Srs Bzns discussion, and it was like NOPE ACTUALLY WE'RE GOING TO CLOWN AROUND A LITTLE, SURPRISE. It was a beautiful thing.
On the Rudy note, I'm always glad to hear he's not annoying! ICly obnoxious but OOCly funny is exactly what I should be going for, and it's such a relief that he's coming off that way. I'm expecting he'll chill out a little more now that Mike is back for a while, so that should help. But hopefully the two of them can get up to some wacky schemes for everyone's viewing entertainment while they're reunited. :D
P.S. I got first once, okay. I GOT IT ONCE. I am content with that.
OH LMAO ♥ Well, see, that's how he operates, for good or ill. It's not that he's denying what happened, but he's so nonchalant about all these sorts of things, like reputations and eloping and women and curses. I mean, it was a curse. And he's as tired of the post-curse apologies and srs bzns discussions as he is of the curses themselves. He doesn't like the curses, but he's gotten a little more cavalier about them. So, cruel as it sounds, I don't think he set out to cheer her up--really, I think it was just the usual banter. But it did happen, and I am glad of that.
I am looking forward to the Rudy & Mike Show [working title] already!
P.S.: I know, it's the little things :3
Well, it turned out to be just what she needed! It had pretty much the same effect as the time Rosella was all caught up in Serious Love Considerations and then Sam showed up to throw water balloons at her until she cut it out. She thought it was going to be awkward and Srs and lots of nervous dancing around the subject and then suddenly he's in her face goofing around about eloping and conspiracies (and indirectly calling her pretty, can't forget that one), and she was like "...oh. It's okay. It's...huh, it's really okay. Well!" and then got all goofy right back. And you know how I love their banter. They're really at their best when they're trying to get the better of each other. :D
Hopefully it will prove entertaining! We've got summer camp at the end of the month, sooooooo. TWO BOYS IN THEIR ELEMENT, RIGHT THERE.
I wish I had my robot unicorn icon on this account.
P.S. I shake my fist in your general direction. ♥
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