HMD [A - K]

May 29, 2009 03:00

HMD [A - K]

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How's My Driving?

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❀ DI haku May 29 2009, 07:01:23 UTC
how's my driving?

❀ player: di
❀ anonymous welcome, but not necessarily encouraged
❀ critique threads: anon enabled, ip logging off
❀ questions welcome
❀ please be constructive with criticism: tell me why you think my characterization is off or needs elaborated!

characterserieslivejournalcrit♙ | eden mccainheroessuicideslowly here♖ | hermione grangerharry potterhonestlyrubbish here♗ | ishiahnightlifepriorcommitment here♕ | jadischronicles of narniasecretofsecrets here♟ | jamie madroxmarvel/x-factorcrackwise here♞ | john caseychucktoasterstosell here♛ | lu hong meioriginalhundredflowers here♘ | nakamura hiroheroesibrokehistory here♚ | sam winchestersupernaturalcanitdean here


▒ DI parashot May 29 2009, 07:11:14 UTC
Hi placeholder~♥


i'm actually not doing you last for once parashot May 29 2009, 08:57:17 UTC
♙ EDEN ( ... )


parashot May 29 2009, 08:58:16 UTC
♖ HERMIONE ( ... )


parashot May 29 2009, 08:59:56 UTC
♕ JADIS ( ... )


parashot May 29 2009, 09:01:03 UTC
IS NEW. AND HEH. And I know that sometimes you feel you are at a bit of a roadblock with him, but he really is very good. I think a lot of people would think John an easy character to play because he is sort of monotone, but I completely disagree. Chuck has a really great habit of being so surface-level but having these incredibly deep characters with great issues, and you don't hold back on that with Casey. I hope that you can do more with him soon. Biffle! ♥

♛ HM:
At first I will admit that I was a little wary of HM, despite all that you told me about her, but I think that you have really set her apart as an OC who is not all about what it is that she can do or where she's been. Like other characters, she has issues, but she is capable of at least putting them aside for the moment and being a little silly now and then. Her relationship with Robin is both hilarious and... DISTRESSING. Because. Robin. And while I think that you take a huge risk making her an OC who is also a good singer - because.... I mean, when you look at ( ... )


my wrist hates you parashot May 29 2009, 09:02:54 UTC
♘ HIRO ( ... )


ps parashot May 29 2009, 09:13:08 UTC

I wanted to say, also, how much I really enjoy getting to play with you and thread with you and log with you so much. You're a truly wonderful writer, and you always, I feel, set the bar at such a level when it comes to prose and description. I'm so so so glad that I get to play with you so much, and I hope that we can continue to play and write together for many months or years or whatevers to come.

♥ diface


haku May 30 2009, 21:15:26 UTC
YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE HMD so I'm just going to reply to the things which may need fixed/will subtly change, and to the love I just give endless, endless thank yous.

  • HERMIONE | I do want to get Hermione more... involved in things, although I'm not quite certain how. I'm thinking of maybe having her take up another job, getting involved with the library or the Clock, things like that. Obviously I just need to kick my ass in gear. THIS MONTH HAS BEEN ROUGH. Especially for Hermione because I feel I ended up only mostly keeping up with characters who had active and involved crews, and Hermione's... is admittedly not so much so in comparison with the others.


  • HONG MEI | Can I admit something? At first, even I was wary of playing Hong Mei, because... the things that I let her have, like her power and her adoration of singing, these are things which can get really gimmicky and really are props often used by Mary Sues, etc. But I've really tried to define her by the darker aspects of her culture (which ( ... )


❀ DI orderonto May 29 2009, 07:16:38 UTC
E D E N || First of all I want to say that I really adore you for involving yourself in such a character-locking plot with me. As art mirrors life, obviously having a baby in the game is a lot more intensive for the mother than the father. There is also the fact that both Eden and Mohinder are introverted characters, and one introverted character in a relationship is bad enough, but both is crazy. So even then it's like...thanks for putting up with Mohinder's psycho, because I really did want to make sure to address the fact that he has a lot of personal issues that make him do strange things ( ... )


❀ DI orderonto May 29 2009, 10:35:28 UTC
I want to say stuff about Hermione but all I really have is....last HMD still applies I AM SORRY DI. my wrist hurts. maybe i will have something on hermione later. it is 7 am.

I S H I A H || I really like your Ish. Weirdly, I enjoy reading his threads with Niko the most. MORE GOES HERE.





♕ DI captainshort May 29 2009, 07:23:30 UTC
sob placeholder, i swear.


♕ DI 7thborn May 29 2009, 13:33:52 UTC

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Hi, I'm a threadstalker. I feel that you've done Hermione a great deal of justice, because she really is a difficult character to play well and to play right. You've done a wonderful job in maintaining the academic side of her and how she's never forgotten to be that side of herself even in a place like the City. I love that you have her still remembering the Job That Needs to Be Done at home while at the same time questioning the so many different kinds of characters and magic found in the City. You put a great deal of thought into her posts and as a fan as well as crew member, I really and truly appreciate and admire that ( ... )


♕ DI captainshort May 29 2009, 13:55:54 UTC
Am I a dork for wanting to post with the account that interacts the most with a character? IDK.


I admit I was wary at first to hear that Ishiah was coming back into the City with a different player behind the wheel, so to speak. But as you've shown your other characters the same sort of time and thoroughness in learning what they're all about, I wasn't as worried as I would have been if it was an entirely new player I didn't know. Man, Di, I wasn't disappointed at all. And because Ishiah is a tricky character in so many ways and though I'm familiar with his canon, I don't understand him enough to offer very constructive crit. But... I'll try?

I love his voice. It's very intellectual and thought out and considered and somehow, you just get the sense of how he isn't human from it. There's this subtleness to his tone, idk how to explain it. Not so much that, but... how do I put it? You can tell he's lived through so much as an immortal though he doesn't outright address just how long. That one little comment he made to Holly ( ... )


♕ DI captainshort May 29 2009, 14:08:04 UTC

Nothing very much to say here because I don't hit him up nearly as much as I would like, but as a fan, I LOVE YOUR SAM. I'll end up pretty much reiterating what others have said on here, but, like, seriously. I need to tag him more or something because your Sam is pretty much straight out of canan and it's amazing. You've got that great balance of his srs bsns side and his humour, so. Idk what else to say except KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING.



I admit that I'm horrifically behind on Heroes by about a season and a half. But that hasn't stopped me at all from loving your Hiro and keeping up with him and his crew. As you've said, Hiro isn't all \^O^/ all the time and does have far more beyond that and I love how you've delved into his character. I can't really address specifics in terms of how that ties in to canon because, again, I'm so behind sob, but from what others have said, I'm confident of your ICness ( ... )


♕ DI haku May 30 2009, 21:33:42 UTC
Sob, Ellie, thank you so much for the detailed feedback you've given me on my characters! Reading all of the responses has been really enlightening, and pleasing in many cases because I know now that some of the things I've been actively striving towards have reflected in my playing. Now, specifics!

  • HERMIONE | I'm really glad that it seems like her subtle balancing of everything that happens to her in the City with the obligations that still weigh on her from home has still come off, even if there is a lot less for her to actively do now than there was before with Snape around and such. Exploring her friendship with Ginny and her relationship with Ron has been one of the most enjoyable parts of playing her, and I have only you and Amy to thank for that. Hermione's in a very comfortable and enjoyable niche, thanks to you two. I do think that I may take some steps to get her more involved in the City soon, and I want to contact you about that so that Ginny can perhaps come along for the ride. Sisters&BFFs forever ( ... )


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