May 07, 2008 09:10
Last night could've gone ... better for my candidate. To say the least. She edged out a win in Indiana and lost handily in NORTH Carolina.
And while she may still see this through to the end, and I'd be with her every step along the way, it appears she may be considering an early drop-out. And I'd support her there, too.
At which point, the discussion would turn to Obama's running mate. If he doesn't extend the offer to Clinton, he's both politically foolish and ... stubborn. If she, in turn, chooses not to accept it, I would understand. Why? Because being Vice President is LESS powerful a position than US Senator from New York. And in eight years, Hilary will be 70ish, and unlikely to make another "go" at the Presidency. But if she did accept it, hallelujah! What a ticket. Sure, I'd prefer their slots be swapped, with Hilary on top, but I'll take what I can get.
Ya know?