Eisner Academy Archive #2 - Astrid Stendotter

Apr 26, 2017 16:04

Astrid Stendotter

Astrid Stendotter is a student at the Eisner Academy and is tentatively a member of the 'Villains' clique, though she does not consider herself
in those terms.
As a child, she was believed lost when her parents were killed in an avalanche whilst on a hiking holiday, only to reappear almost a decade later,
wandering into a nearby town. She claimed in interviews that she had been rescued by a race of small, old men, who took her to their
underground city and taught her their ways, but refused to elaborate much beyond that, except in evasive and cryptic terms.
Since her reappearance, she has demonstrated several notable differences. Firstly, she is very light-sensitive, and has excellent night vision.
Secondly she is highly intelligent, but finds almost every aspect of modern society distasteful. In an ideal society, she has said, people know their
roles and do what needs to be done. She considers modern society hopelessly muddled, confused and inefficient. Thirdly, she has developed an
ability to 'read' the properties of inanimate objects. The more simple an object, the easier it is for her to do this ( a stone picked up off the ground
is easy, a carved wooden timber, slightly more difficult, and a mobile phone or computer is almost impossible). She claims that, by listening to
objects, that she can help to release their innate properties. At the most basic level, she can find flaws in materials, causing it to break down or
shatter, however, the most complex and frequently used application of this is something she calls Handverket or 'The Craft', which enables her to
create items imbued with extraordinary abilities.
With that said, she rejects out of hand that these items are magical or enchanted. Insisting that they are the result of skill and application, not

Personality-wise, she is extremely blunt in her speech, and will often cut off conversation very suddenly if she feels it is pointless. On the other
hand, if she feels a conversation or interaction is useful or productive, she can be highly engaged and extremely enthusiastic. She definitely does
not suffer fools gladly and can become aggressive if she feels that someone is wasting her time.

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