Grace Lam
Portrayed by Pól Rua
PersonalitySome people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Grace (Torque) Lam was born with a chip on her shoulder. She's scrappy, pugnacious,
anti-authoritarian and doesn't take shit from people. Despite this, she has a quick wit and lively, if frequently sarcastic and mocking, sense of
humour and prefers to use sarcasm and mockery rather than violence as a first response to stuff she doesn't like.
Her mother was a huge fan of old movies and music from the 40's and 50's (Grace was named for her mother's favourite actress, Grace Kelly),
and that's one aspect of her mother's tastes she's absorbed, even if her style owes more to Mitchum and Cagney than Astaire and Rogers. She
tends to use a lot of antiquated slang, and affects a gearhead, rockabilly style. She's a bit of a tomboy and doesn't take well to any suggestion
that she should be more dainty or ladylike.
At heart, she's a good person, but between her aggressive nature and the chip on her shoulder, it wouldn't take much more than a really bad
day and a decision or two made without thinking first for her to fall into the role of supervillain.
One thing that's become increasingly apparent is that, while Grace has always had something of a hard-boiled nature, she's still very much a
normal 15 year old teenager. Recent confrontations with strange phenomena, overwhelming threats against which her abilities have seemed
useless, or terrible injuries and even deaths among her classmates have shown her that it's a big world, a lot of it's relentlessly horrible and that
sometimes, anything we can do is worth not much more than spitting into the wind. This has resulted in increased feelings of alienation and
paranoia as she's realized that most of her peers and classmates are far more comfortable in this 'strange world' than she is, or ever wants to
She never felt like this before coming to the Academy and as a result, the Academy itself has become a focus of sorts for her feelings of
persecution and hostility. She regards the Academy itself as actively threatening, and these feelings of paranoia can extend to staff or fellow
students. She alternates in regarding her fellow students as 'part of the Academy' and therefore agents of the enemy, or 'fellow victims of the
Academy' whom she feels compelled to aid and protect. Her tough talk and mocking sense of humour is increasingly a defensive reflex in order
to mask her growing anxiety.
AppearanceSmall even for her age, with shoulder-length black hair, frequently tied back to keep it out of the way. Since a recent attack, she's been wearing
her fringe long to cover a scar on her forehead. She has grey-brown eyes, though occasionally flecks of green have been seen to appear in them
when she gets angry or emotional. She has a killer case of 'resting bitch face'.
As the result of an attack, she has two facial scars. One is a crescent-shaped scar extending from just above her right eye, through her eyebrow
and onto her forehead, and the second runs along her cheekbone down to her jawline.
Fashion-wise, she favours blue-jeans, steel-capped workboots and rockabilly-style men's button-down shirts. She's usually carrying a bunch of
technical equipment including industrial gloves, welding goggles, a toolbelt, and a compact multitool of her own design. Her favourite item,
however, is her 'lucky' wrench, 'Verna', which she has, under extreme circumstances, been known to use for hand-to-hand combat.
AbilitiesGrace is a skilled mechanic with an extensive knowledge of machines (especially cars and other vehicles) and how they fit together. This natural
ability is complemented by an intuitive ability to construct machines and manipulate existing mechanical systems. So far, this has been
restricted to heavy, mechanical systems - engines, hydraulics, gears - rather than complex miniaturized electronics and computers. She
especially likes to use this ability to trick out cars or other vehicles with gadgets or enhancements. There are, however, some indications that
she possesses a degree of what's commonly known as 'gadgeteering' - the ability to construct 'impossible machines' that operate due to the
abilities of the creator. It has yet to be determined the degree to which her creations are products of her own personal skill and knowledge, or
whether they are created by some form of superhuman ability.
Her most commonly used power is the ability to coax extra effort out of machinery - getting more speed or grunt out of engines is the main thing
she uses it for, but it can be used to enhance the effectiveness of almost any mechanical system.
There is evidence that some of Grace's mechanical creations have a degree of inherent instability, and are occasionally subject to spontaneous
breakdown or catastrophic failure. This may be a result of the use of superhuman technical aptitude in conjunction with her natural abilities. This
problem of instability is exacerbated if she then uses her ability to enhance a device's mechanical performance. For instance, making a car
engine go super-fast for ten minutes may result in blowing it up. This risk of mechanical breakdown can be exacerbated by the degree to which
the device is pushed beyond its normal capacity.
There may also be a link to her emotional state, as things have been known to go wrong with technology around her, if she gets distracted,
frustrated or angry. With practice, she may be able to develop this ability, using it to target opponents' equipment or vehicles, but as yet, this
effect appears to be out of Grace's conscious control. This can be an inconvenience at times. For instance, due to fears for public safety, she
is on a 'no-fly' list.
Grace's mother, Rita, was working as a waitress in a diner outside of Reno, frequented by gearheads and hot-rodders when she met Grace's
father, a minor supervillain and gadgeteer-for-hire named Leroy (Roy) Roche, a.k.a. Road-Rage. They had a short-lived but turbulent relationship
which ended when he went back to jail. Since Grace's birth, her mother has pretty much dedicated her life to making sure her daughter doesn't
make the mistakes she did, working multiple jobs and pushing her hard to succeed. Unfortunately, this has resulted in Grace being somewhat
prickly and resentful of her mother, whom she sees as trying to live her life through her daughter.
The already difficult relationship between mother and daughter was made even moreso by the onset of puberty when it became obvious that
Grace had inherited more from her father than a love of cars and mechanical aptitude. Bouncing from school to school across Nevada and
California with frequent suspensions and expulsions due to behaviour problems, she has been given a final ultimatum - Juvenile detention, or
enrollment in the Eisner Academy where her abilities can be monitored and controlled.
- Current Character Sheet
- Experience Record
- Completed Milestones
- Future Milestones (edit - shift to 'Completed Milestones')
Her Anger Management issues and whether she's going to find herself locked in a life of crime are probably going to be more of an issue - later, so I'm going to shift those Milestones here:
Anger Management Issues
1 XP When you react in anger when it would be better for you if you didn't.
3 XP When you use your Skullcrusher SFX.
10 XP When you either take an action in anger that you can't take back or when you help someone that you'd much rather hurt right now.
One Big Issues that won't come up until later is going to be her interactions with her father. At the moment, he doesn't know she exists,
so it won't come up immediately, but it's definitely something that will come up.
- Power Set Ideas
Her anger is part of her character. Her dad's powers were linked to his emotional state/adrenalin level and she's inherited something - similar, but to what degree is yet to be known. That said, without the 'Anger Management' milestone, I'd like something to reflect that, and I'm
- thinking a new Power or SFX for her 'Grease Stained Gadgeteer' Power Set.
- Call it something like "Stress Fractures", and it could either act as a damaging power, or an SFX on Mechanical Control, allowing her to
- step up damage, or add additional dice of effect in exchange for stepping up her emotional stress levels. It's basically her getting
- emotionally stressed out and blowing things up around her.
- Should probably do a write-up of 'Baby'... but I DEFINITELY want to add the raygun to her power-set... probably the Toolbelt One. Need to add
- Holocrons to the Toolbelt Set as well.
Plot Hooks
- Grace's relationship with her parents is at the heart of her future. Will she become like her father, trapped in a hopeless web of crime by a
- series of dumb mistakes, or like her mother, embracing her responsibilities and denying herself everything... or will she be able to avoid the
- obstacles in her life and forge her own destiny?
- Are her superpowers all she inherited from her father? As his name would indicate, Road-Rage possessed not only superhuman
- mechanical aptitude, but a boundless supply of rage? Will this be another inheritance from dear ol' dad, or can Grace dodge this particular
- bullet? Come to think of it, where DID Road-Rage gain his superpowers?
Are there any other little time bombs from daddy dearest's past waiting to go off? Old colleagues, old enemies, old grudges, old scores? - Grace is on her last chance. If she flunks out at Eisner, it's Juvie for her. Can she stick to the straight-and-narrow? What if she starts
- getting accused of stuff she hasn't done? It's a frame-up! But who could want her shipped off to the slammer? And why?
- Eisner Academy is full of 'extreme personalities'. What happens when Grace's own abrasive nature comes into contact with them? We'll
- see fireworks for sure, but when it's all over, who's gonna get burned?
- Grace's powers have yet to fully manifest themselves. When they do, will she be ready for what happens?
- Since the events of the class' visit to Atlantis, Grace has become increasingly paranoid, feeling there's something sinister going on at the
- school, but she's not sure what it is.
Since this, she has established a connection with Beetle Lad who has shown her a secret room accessible only via a kind of teleportation - field. She has also done a favour for school groundskeeper, Deathmask by building a robot duplicate of him. In exchange, she asked him
- to keep his eyes and ears open for interesting information.
As a thank you to Beetle Lad, she's modifying his Beetle Helmet with a number of defensive and communications equipment. In addition - to upgrading its overall defensive capabilities (and comfort), she's incorporated a number of useful devices, mostly defensive.
- Recently, Beetle Lad was abducted, and subsequently rescued by Grace, Scott and Laura. Several members of the faculty including
- Mister Steel and Phoebe Farran have indicated that they are investigating the abduction, but Grace has become determined to break into
- Phoebe's office and find the files with the results of this investigation so she can begin one of her own. While in Phoebe's office after being
- seriously injured, she managed to grab a USB Drive with the words 'Re: Beetle A.I.' on it. She has yet to examine it properly.
In addition, while crawling through the air ducts looking for Beetle Lad, Grace happened across a small, concealed console in the ducts. - She hasn't been able to figure out what it is or what it's for... yet.
- Grace has been accumulating pieces of weird tech/souvenirs from their adventures. So far, this has included:
(1) Fragments of futuristic technology from the future Mystery-Man. Possible paradigm shift for gadgeteering.
(2) A Traditional Russian Bear Fur Hat (Complete with Red Star) from an alternate world where Communism won the Cold War.
(3) A Strangely Retro Space-Suit (complete with Bubble Helmet) and Raygun from Lunar City. The Raygun was designed to be - non-functional, but, well...
(4) An Original (and never-before-seen) Prototype Version of the Original Mk.1 Beetle Man Armour.
(5) 'Baby' - A supersonic flying car with onboard AI capable of interstellar and interdimensional travel. Outwardly, it resembles a 1957 - Chevy Bel Air Convertible.
(6) During the adventure in Atlantis, she found herself in contact with an ancient, almost unfathomably powerful weapon. It is unknown if - there will be any side-effects of this.
(7) Also during the Atlantis Mission, the kids received Medals for helping to save the life of the Princess.
(8) A mysterious USB Drive from Phoebe's office containing information on Beetle Lad and the Beetle AI.
(9) Two Holocron Spheres from the Recent Kirby Initiates tests.
Grace Lam's Character Sheet
Freak D6
Danger D8
Saviour D6
Superior D8
Mundane D10
Tough-Talking Scrapper
Grease Monkey
Rockabilly Tomboy
Power Set: Grease-Stained Gadgeteer
Mechanical Senses D8
Mechanical Control D10
Makeshift Prowess D8
SFX: Nitro-Inject Anything. When using any machine, you may keep an additional effect die to either add to the roll total or increase an
existing effect die. Each time you choose to do this, apply an Impending Breakdown complication to the machine starting at D6.
SFX: Jury-Rigging. Add D6 and step up your effect die when using creating tech-based assets.
SFX: Mechanical Medic. Spend 1PP to remove a complication on a machine instantly and automatically by hitting it. This is not effective on
an Impending Breakdown complication inflicted by your SFX or Limits.
SFX: Spanner in the Works. Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication against a machine or other complex
SFX: Stress Fractures. When using Mechanical Control to disable a machine, you may target a number of different machines. Add a d8 and
keep an extra Effect Die for each additional target you are attempting to affect. Remove the highest rolling die before forming your total and
apply it as an Emotional Complication against yourself.
Limit: Moody Machines. When gaining a complication related to emotional instability you may earn 1PP and add a D6 Impending Failure
complication to a machine you are using or which belongs to you.
Power Set: Toolkit
Lucky Wrench D8
Toolbelt D10
SFX: Toldja It Was Lucky. Spend 1PP to reroll all dice which roll half or less of their maximum; 1's do not count. (i.e. when a D10 rolls a 2, 3,
4, or 5, you may reroll that die.)
SFX: Skullcrusher. Add D6 to an attack roll using Lucky Wrench and step up the effect die. If the target takes a complication due to this roll,
step up Danger and step back Mundane until the next transition scene and take a Temper Loss complication at D6.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Toolkit power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.
Attitude Set:
Scornful D10
Protective D8
Paranoid D8
SFX: Wise-Ass. Add a D6 and step up your Effect Due when attempting to apply a Taunt Complication.
SFX: Hard-Boiled. When successfully defending against a fear-based complication using Scornful, you may apply your Effect Die as a Taunt
SFX: Networking. Shut down Paranoid to immediately gain a D8 information-based resource. Activate an opportunity to recover Paranoid.
Limit: Soft-Centre. You may choose to earn 1 PP and turn Protective into a complication when someone else is hurt.
Limit: Trust No-One. Earn 1 PP and turn Paranoid into a complication for the rest of the scene. Recover in a Transition Scene.
Scott - D8 - He seems cool, I guess (James Dean)
Queiara - D6 - Seeing her always reminds me of Atlantis. I hate that. (Greta Garbo)
Tap - D6 - Nice kid, but needs to turn down that 'Village of the Damned' shit. (Elsa Lancaster)
Violet - D8 - She terrifies me, and I feel a bit shitty about that. (Judy Garland)
Pen - D6 - Seriously, what the fuck is his damage? (Elisha Cooke, jr)
Laura - D6 - She is who she is. I can dig that. (Theda Bara)
Deathmask - D6 - Guy seems like a straight-shooter (Michael Ansara)
Beetle Lad - D8 - Poor kid. He deserves better than being in this shithole. (Jackie Coogan)
The 'Anti-Hero' Clique - D6 - There, but for the grace a' god. This dump is failing them. (The Dead End Kids)
Misspent Youth D8
'Baby' D12
Boltholes D10
Kirby Initiative - Team X D8
Disused Workshop D10
Keeps Souvenirs D6
Mysteries of the Academy D8
Old Film Fan D8
Holocron Spheres D10
Old Prototype Beetle Man Suit D6
Inveterate Tinkerer
1 XP When you modify or create a technological device.
3 XP When a device you've created or modified has a major impact on a scene.
10 XP When you either complete a long-term engineering project which you've invested resources in, or you choose to abandon that project for
the greater good.
Third Strike
1 XP When you act or speak out against authority.
3 XP When you act or speak out against authority in a way that could create repercussions.
10 XP When your anti-authoritarian actions could have severe, permanent consequences, or when you force yourself to swallow your pride and
submit to normal social standards.
Grace Lam XP Record
XP Gained
XP Spent
Current XP Total
Chapter 1; Rebellious Streak
Chapter 1; Anger Issues
Chapter 1; Anger Issues
Chapter 1; Rebellious Streak
Chapter 2: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 2; Anger Issues
Chapter 2; Rebellious Streak
Unlockable: Discovers mysterious workshop containing 'Baby'
Chapter 3: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 3: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 3: Anger Issues
Chapter 4: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 4: Anger Issues
Chapter 5; Anger Issues
Chapter 6; Anger Issues (Closed)
Chapter 7; Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 8; Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 8; Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 8; Rebellious Streak
Chapter 8: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 8: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 8: Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 8: Rebellious Streak
Resource: The Eisner Underground
Chapter 9: Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 9: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 9: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 10: Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 10: Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 10: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 10: Inveterate Tinkerer
Resource: Sweet Retro-styled Raygun & Space Suit (w/Bubble Helmet)
Chapter 11: Inveterate Tinkerer
Chapter 11: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 12: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 12: Inveterate Tinkerer
Resource: Holocrons, Eisner Underground Upgrade
Chapter 13: Rebellious Streak
Chapter 13: Rebellious Streak
Resource: USB Drive - Mysterious of the Beetle