Jul 23, 2003 12:20
My house is a total disaster yet I cannot move myself to clean it. All I want to do is bid on cloth diapering supplies on eBay, I think it's an illness. Why won't the house clean itself? Everyday Ronnie says he will do it when he gets home and everyday he doesn't do it. I'm amazed at how fast this place can go from really clean to health code violation. I wish I could train my dogs to clean.
As of yesterday my braxton-hicks contractions have become a nuisance. I realize it is because I am not hydrated but still, my belly gets so tight I can see it through my shirt. Today I was at the gym and I had to get off the treadmill and bend over until it stopped, everyone stared at me like I was about to have the baby right then and there.
I think I may have been ripped off by an eBay seller. I have been buying there for years and the most expensive item I have ever purchased does not seem to be on the way. I paid a decent amount for a new Britax carseat and felt quite smug about it, until I realized it has been 2 weeks. I wonder when I should worry. I emailed the seller but have not heard back yet. Gulp.
I think I will go take a bath instead of cleaning up. Maybe some pixies will come and do it for me...