//023// it's only castles burning

May 10, 2009 17:46

Today is one of those days where I wish we were home, if only so that I could visit my mom today. Well, the mansion, where we scattered her ashes. She might not have been my real mom, but she raised me and took care of me the best that she could. During that curse where I was Prince Dorrek VIII I got to grow up with my real mother, Princess Anelle, and I'll miss that. Knowing what she looks like and acted like. Nobody at home even has any pictures of her.

It hurts and I don't want to pretend that it doesn't because that would be like saying that their deaths didn't matter. I used to hate Father's day because I didn't have a dad, and I still don't, but I know who he was and that I should honour his memory.

I guess I just wanted to say thank you to all the mothers in the city. Because even if your kids don't say it, you're important.

[ooc: He had a good cry in Xanadu but he's okay now. ♥]

sad teddy in snow, nothing to be homesick about, brooding type, emo forever, green and blue, angst what angst?, skrull genes

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