CREDITS TCG: Card post

Jan 06, 2012 20:19

>> player

✩ Dan ✩
Joined: 06/01/2012
Card Count: 528
Level 5

>> trading buddies">">

>> member cards & extras



>> mastered


>> collecting


>> future

>> keeping

~Keeping for the pretty~

>> trading

To view my trade pile go HERE


Wolfieholding for me bakudan02, friends07 and memoria04



>> logs
January 2012

January 06
Starter pack: woaini02, woaini17, woaini19, cloudage04, yasashiku08, qualia10, tozasareta18, hananoiro01, silkyheart16

January 08
Starter pack bonus: mamoritai11, spell17 and backstage pass

January 11
Received foryou12, hitintheusa17 and girldemo04 from participating in Slots - round 02
Received jetboy18, kiss01, garasudama07, hashiridase19
Bonus: soundworld19 and one stamp for participating in Broken Record - round 10
Received nakedarmas19 and flyinginthesky20 for participating in Ryuichi's Doodles - round 12
Received lostones06 and hitotoshite04 for participating in koizumi and otani's karaoke glitch - round 12
Received grind03, icecream15 and renaicirculation04 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 18

January 12
Received nakamurayuichi14 and roadto230720 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 18
Received kagayaite02, spell16 and zzz01 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 18

January 13
Received icecream19, agony18 and karma02 for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - round 16
Received readysteadygo11, catchyoucatchme03 and osuchuujin11 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 07
Received ourdestiny20, being07 and biggest03 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - 16

January 14
Traded garasumada07, karma02 and nakamurayuichi14 for woaini08/12, rinburevolution06 and back stage passes with katou (t001)(t002)(t003)[bp001]

January 15
Received mindgame02, zzz09 and nakamurayuichi02 for participating in Compilation - round 06
Received majimekao10, thisplace18 and boukendesho12 for participating in Oz's odd one out - round 19
Traded tosazareta12 for woaini04 with ratiosu (t004)

January 16
Traded backstage passes with kurunee [bp002]
Traded jetboy18 for rinburevolution07 and back stage passes with tsuyokunaru (t005) [bp003]
Became trading buddies with tsuyokunaru

January 17
Received dorchadas18, alright07, tobirawoakete16 and a star for participating in karina's music match - round 20

January 18
Received woaini01/14 and rinburevolution09/12/14 from the service Vintage Box
Received starrysky20, sociallinks02 and roadto230711 for participating in dj mary's mystery melody - round 19
Received dramatic16 and weareangles13 for participating in etude - round 09

January 19
Received antenna04 and communication16 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 19

January 20
Received himitsunokichi15 and sugitakisetsuwo09 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 08
Received akaitsumi11, shiningdays20 and shine17 for participating Who's that Seiyuu - round 17

January 21
Became trading buddies with katou
Traded for roadto230711 for woaini09 with tsuyokunaru (t006)
Traded himitsunokichi15 for rinburevolution13 and back stage passes with midori_lover (t007) [bp004]
Took hibike19, silly-go-round05, nornir19, kittanzero08, minnanopeace09, memoria13, comeback18, gekidou13, nakamurayuichi16 and datsubou13 from Deck Realease of January
New Year event: took memoria 12 and woaini20
Birthday event, received: kamiyahiroshi07, getover02, obsession16 and one ticket
Traded sillygoround05 for rinburevolution15 with radria (t007)
Traded datsubou13 for rinburevolution17 with tsuyokunaru (t008)
Traded nakamurayuichi16, nornir19, kittanzero08 and minnanopeace09 for yoshinohiroyuki10/12/13 and woaini03 with katou (t009)(t010)(t011)(t012)

January 22
Received biggest03, secondflight19, cosmosvsalien03, boukendesho15 and one ticket for participating in Oz's odd one out - round 20
Received alittlepain03 and roseone03 for participating in higher or lower - round 20
Traded gekidou13 for owarumade05 and backstage passes with jenybear (t013) [bp005]

January 24
Received tryforpride07, reset15, ookaminonodo11 and one ticket from Deck donations January (Deck 01)
Received tank07, foryou14, overthesky18 and one ticket from Deck donations January (Deck 02)
Traded hinike19 for woaini06 with wolfie (t014)

January 25
Traded osuchuujin11 and starrysky20 for yoshinohiroyuki02/09 with yamachan01 (t015)(t016)
Received sailorfuku03 and hirari11 for participating in koizumi and otani's karaoke glitch - round 15
Received reset12, ignited12 and yellowmoon04 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 20

January 26
Received asterisk05/12, friends19, twister15 and owarumade11 as a gift from tsuyokunaru
Traded sociallinks02 for owarumade20 with katou (t017)
Traded tryforpride07 for owaru04 with jenybear (t018)
Traded kiss03, ourdestiny20 for woaini07 owarumade06 and backstage passes with eiryuu (t019)(t020)[bp006]

January 27
Received mytomorrow14 and renaicirculation16 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 10
Received hibari11, loop18 and ourdestiny15 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu 18

January 28
Received bokutachi17, yourbeats02, icecream01 and nyantra01 for participating in etude - round 10
Traded nakamurayuichi02, dramatic16 and starrysky20 for yoshinohiroyuki04/11/15 with katou (t021)(t022)(t023)

January 31
Received newworld16, fukuyamajun02, flyinginthesky20 and whatsup19 for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 02

February 2012
February 01
Received mystory18, jap02 and minnadaisuki05 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 21
Received hitominotsubasa16, mypride12, communication08 and oneworld13 for participating in Broken Record - round 11
Received 4 tickets as a gift from katou
Received universalbunny15, meikokurensa07, beambitious19, woaini16, one ticket and one star for leveling up (from level 01 to 02)

February 03
Received hananoiro14 and secretambition16 for obsession16 for participating in Ptolemaios' Production Line - round 02
Received hitsuzen15 and maniac06 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 21
Received minnanopeace14, miyanomamoru13 and kiss20 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 19
Traded yourbeats02 and minnanopeace14 for woaini13 and yoshinohiroyuki05 with katou (t024)(t025)

February 04
Traded back stage passes with danybel [bp007]

February 05
Traded back stage passes with kagenya [bp008]
Traded universalbunny15 for rinburevolution01 with yamachan01 (t026)
Received changeofroses07, calling01 and timemachine10 for participating Oz's odd one out - round 22

February 06
Became trading buddies with danybel
Traded maniac06 and readysteadygo11 with danybel (t027)(t028)
Received as_dan01 from the service Earn a Character Single (tasks star)

February 07
Recived owarumade09/12/13/16/17 from the service Vintage Box
Received aidesho03 and rinburevolution20 as a gift from jenybear

February 08
Received yellowmoon09 and sawashiromiyuki14 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 16

February 09
Took ichidodake13, aidesho02, battlecry12, inanna13, katayoku16, patissier05, yourlove20, ishidaakira10, liberame10, scenery04 and almateria06 from Deck Release of February
Traded battlecry12, reset12 and hitsuzen15 for friends15, comeback04 and aidesho04 with tsuyokunaru (t029)(t030)(t031)
Traded innana13 for aidesho08 with nyxnoxbox (t032)
Traded patissier05 for aidesho16 with dearmykeysx (t033)
Traded ishidaakira10 for 09 with hushlust (t034)
Traded liberame10 for aidesho19 with katou (t035)
Received sailorfuku08, goodbye02 and thevocaloid06 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 21
Received iwish10 and ikemen13 for participating Triton's Trivia - round 22

February 10
Traded katayoku16 for aidesho15 with bringthefate (t036)
Received candyline10, datsubou12 and universalbunny11 for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - round 20
Received himitsunokichi10, vanillasalt08, hitotoshite15, zzz05 and a stamp for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 20

February 12
Traded ichidodake13 for aidesho01 with kurunee (t037)
Received daybreak02, shura15, gekidou09 and goingmysoul01 for oz's odd one out - round 23

February 14
Traded yourlove20 and aidesho18 with danybel (t038)
Received academy13, exdream15, roulette12 and eternalblaze11 for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 03

February 15
Traded zzz05, hitotoshite15, daybreak08, majimekao10 and cosmosvsalien03 for yoshinohiroyuki19, rinburevolution02/04/19 and woaini11 with katou (t039)(t040)(t041)(t042)(t043)
Traded almateria06 for aidesho10 with baccibloo (t044)
Traded back stage passes with baccibloo [bp009]
Became trading buddies with baccibloo
Traded academy13 for nakedarms02 with jenybear (t045)

February 16
Received donten12, friends01/17 and riburevolution11 from the service Vintage Box
Received hajimarinouta07 and nornir09 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 23
Traded nornir09 for comeback07 with katou (t046)

February 17
Received dorchadas12, dontsaylazy20, eternaldiva01, rasetsu19 for participating Broken Record - round 12
Received resublimity10, omochabako06 and issei08 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 21

February 19
Received allegro09, orpheus02 and kesenai06 for participating in oz's odd one out - round 24
Received woainimaster, vanguard17, nininsankyaku19, aidesho07 and one ticket for Mastering woaini

February 21
Exchanged 04 tickets for woaini05/10/15/18 in the Redemption Center
Received friends08, stray01 and theworld01 for participating in Compilation - round 07

February 22
Received cofeewaltz09 and silkyheart15 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 18
Received alittlepain15, minnadaisuki15 and shiningstar15 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 23

February 23
Received stonecold04 and ryuusei15 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 24
Received owarumade10 from the service Vintage Box

February 24
Traded fukuyamajun02, miyanomamoru13, universalbunny11, theworld01, vanillasalt08 for mystory08, friends14 and donten02/03/15 and Back stage passes with yamachan01 (t047)(t048)(t049)(t050)(t051)[bp010]
Received rinburevolution05, massivewonders13 and e-aria16 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 22
Traded boukendesho12/15, orpheus02 and mydestiny15 for comeback01, friends06, owarumade03 and owarumade19 and back stage passes with hushlust (t052)(t053)(t054)(t055) [bp011]

February 25
Received orpheus10 and saesdiary11 for participating in High Note - round 09
Received zetsuboubilly06, shissou03, operations05 and one ticket from Deck Donations February (Deck 03)

February 26
Traded issei08, stonecold04, changeofroses07 and massivewonders13 for yoshinohiroyuki14 and rinburevolution03/08/16 with katou (t056)(t057)(t058)(t059)
Exchanged one ticket for rinburevolution18 in the Redemption Center
Received nakamurayuichi20, yourbeats19, tokidokiegao11, myrailgun14 and one stamp for participating in oz's odd one out - round 25

February 27
Received lastcross09 and apparition06 from slots - round 09

February 28
Traded nakamurayuichi20 for yoshinohiroyuki01 with katou (t060)
Traded himitusunokichi10 and mypride12 for comeback17 and donten11 with midori_lover (t061)(t062)
Received saitochiwa12, sugitakisetsuwo01, aidesho09, angelsthesis04, candyboy17 and one stamp for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 04
Received boukendesho20 and sora18 in exchange for yellowmoon04 for participating in Production/Line - round 04
Received asterisk11 in exchange for iwish10 for participating in Gil and Oz's Treats - round 11

February 29
Received two stickers for completing 02 tasks: 01) Participate in one round of compilations and 02) obtain 3 stamps for the Album Sheet
Received one sticker for completing 01 task: 01) Max out deck donation limit for the month of February for the Album Sheet
Received icecream03, icecream17, mytomorrow09, rinburevolution10, one star and one ticket for Leveling up
Received rinburevolutionmaster, brandnewworld17, trustyou15, aidesho11 and one ticket for Mastering rinburevolution
Received binetsusos10, junglep18 hanamaru04 and one ticket from Deck Donations February (Deck 01)
Received burnmydread13, tozasareta03, preparade and one ticket from Deck Donations February (Deck 02)

March 2012
March 01
Traded agony18, beambitious19, mytomorrow14 for owarumade08, donten14, memoria03 and back stage passes with wolfie (t063)(t064)(t065) [bp012]
Traded meikokurensa07 for comeback13 with katou (t066)

March 02
Received fire07, burnmydread09, daydream04, timemachine17 for participating in Broken Record - round 13
Traded allegro09 and ikemen 13 for nakedarms17 and mystory13 with tsuyokunaru (t066)(t067)
Traded timemachine10/17 for bakudan04 and ohayou07 with mongoosehwrs (t068)(t069)
Received majilove13, zzz19 and someone08 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 23
Received standup07, cloudage19, sanagi04 and makemehappy10 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 14

March 03
Traded burnmydread09 and burnmydread13 for yoshinohiroyuki07 and passion16 with radria (t070)(t071)
Received Slot 01 candyline19, endoaya16, Slot 02 liberame06, closetoyou17 for participating in slots - round 10

March 04
Traded mindgame02, sailorfuku03, thevocaloid06 and e-aria16 for aidesho05, nakedarms01/16 and friends04 with midori_lover (t072)(t073)(t074)(t075)
Received skysthelimit and shoutout10 higher or lower - round 24
Received skysthelimit05, rockshooter20 and someone19 for participating in oz's odd one out - round 26
Traded boukendesho20 for friends02 with hushlust (t076)

March 05
Traded sawashiromiyuki14 olddays01 with nyxnoxbox (t078)

March 06
Traded jap08 for olddays18 with mongoosehwrs (t077)

March 07
Received seevisions01, thisplace18 and minamikaze19 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 25
Received vanillasalt11 and patissiere for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 20
Received kizunairo04, iminblue03 and overthesky11 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 24

March 08
Received makemehappy06 and candyline01 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 26
Received calling17 and candyboy01 for participating in Etude - round 12
Took unbreakable09, prism15, myworld08, uso03, minamikaze05, shinsekai10, howtogo03, dive10, suzumurakenichi10, circus11 and peakedcap07 from Deck Release of March
Traded dive10 for olddays13 with tsuyokunaru (t078)
Traded myworld08 for olddays06 with ratiosu (t079)
Traded uso03 for olddays07 with midori_lover (t080)

March 09
Received angelsthesis03 and shoutout09 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 15

March 10
Received existence11, daydream06, soundworld12, rhapsody07 for participating in Broken Record - round 14
Traded antenna04, candyboy17, resublimity10, yasashiku08, bokutachi17, dorchadas12 for friends11, asterisk01/07, yoshinohiroyuki03, bakudan03 and mystory15 with ratiosu (t081)(t082)(t083)(t084)(t084)(t085)
Traded suzumurakenichi10 for olddays14 with jenybear (t086)
Traded unbreakable09 for olddays15 with yamachan01 (t087)

March 11
Traded majilove13 for sanagi01 with hushlust (t088)
Received minnanopiece07, communication04 and superdrive17 for participating in oz's odd one out - round 27

March 12
Traded howtogo03 for olddays11 with katou (t089)

March 14
Received target407, butterfly19 and silkyheart19 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 25
Received nobuts12, o208, nyantra17 and logos03 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 21

March 15
Received tothegate14 and trangular04 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 27

March 16
Received exdream12, renaicirculation14 and shoothigh20 for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - round 25
Received nothankyou15, disillusionment05, sugitakisetsuwo20, colors04 and crossover01 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 25
Traded disillusionment05, dontsaylazy20 and mamoritai11 for ohayou05/15/16 and backstage passes with nyxnoxbox (t090)(t091)(t092) [bp013]
Received theworld16 and pokemonbw04 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 16

March 17
Traded rockshooter20, someone08/19 for yoshinohiroyuki20, candyline20, memoria02 and nakedarms06, comeback17 as gifts from katou (t093)(t094)(t095)
Traded yourbeats19 and standup07 for memoria14 and sanagi03 with jenybear (t096)(t097)

March 18
Traded jap08, nothankyou15, renaicirculation16, reset15, shoutout10, skysthelimit05, skysthelimit11, tothegate14, crossover01, stray07, kesenai06 for bakudan06/12/18, candyline03/18, donten05/08, ohayou04, owarumade01, sanagi15, nakedarms13 and back stage pases with enfacade (t098)(t099)(t100)(t101)(t102)(t103)(t104)(t105)(t106)(t107)(t108) [bp14]
Received changetheworld07, foryou17 and towardsthelight15 for participating in oz's odd one out - round 28

March 19
Received megane02, mamorubeki03 for participating in slots - round 12
Received aggresivezone01 and drawingdays13 for participating in Ryuichi's Doodles - round 18

March 21
Received crowsong04 and drawingdays20 for participating in restoration - round 12

March 22
Received ikemen20, noxlimit09, braveheart20, harukakanata05 for participating in Broken Record - round 15
Received pieceofheaven13, bokunote18 and starrysky18 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 27
Received hallelujah10 and butterfly17 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 22
Traded angelsthesis03 for mystory10 with nyxnoxbox (t109)
Received mukoue04 and bokutachi05 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 28

March 23
Received eternaldiva13 and oneworld20 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 17

March 24
Received bakudan08, donten03/07/18 and friends16 from the service Vintage Box
Received sawakaze03, loop14, bokunote03 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 26
Received clovernokuni18, orbitalbeat08 and shiningdays14 for participating in High Note - round 11
Traded passion16 for candyline01 with baccibloo (t110)

March 25
Received uragiri13 and gonnarain02 for participating in higher or lower - round 27
Traded shinsekai10 for olddays09 with baccibloo (t111)
Received hikarie16, kizunairo07 and one ticket from Deck Donations March (Deck 01 - Puzzle)

March 26
Received sealedcard07, shura10, orpheus20 for participating in Compilation - round 08
Received imyours12, tokidokiegao16, target08 and one ticket from Deck Donations March (Deck 02)
Received patissiere09, hitsuzen12, shokuzai and one ticket from Deck Donations March (Deck 03)
Traded tank07 for olddays03 with bringthefate (t112)

March 28
Received universalbunny11, cloudage14, idoltokiya12 and shuffle13 for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 06
Traded sugitakisetsuwo01 and minnanopeace07 for yoshinohiroyuki18 and owarumade18 with individual (t113)(t114)

March 29
Received kotodama10 and sanagi02 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 23

March 30
Received rhythmemotion17, ohayou12, pre-parade09, luckydog04 and one ticket for participating in karina's music match - round 30 (Special)
Traded alittlepain15, shoutout09, iminblue03 for bakudan17, candyline14 and owarumade15 with yamachan01 (t115)(t116)(t117)
Received roadto230713 and harukakanata16 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 29
Received pantystocking16, logos11 and kotodama09 for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - round 27
Traded ikemen20 and liberame06 for mystory19 and comeback08 with tsuyokunaru (t118)(t119)
Traded circus11 for olddays20 with danybel (t120)

March 31
Received progress01, mystory11 and lastcross05 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 27
Received scenery02 and rollingstar12 for participating in higher or lower - round 28

April 2012
April 01
Traded back stage passes with experienced [bp015]
Traded clovernokuni18 and vanillasalt11 for donten08 and twister02 with yamachan01 (t121)(t122)
Received moment19 and lovers03 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 18

April 02
Exchanged e-aria16, nyantra01, nyantra17, qualia10, roadto230713, roadto230720 for yoshinohiroyuki06/08 in the Pawn Shop
Traded soundworld19 for bakudan11 and back stage passes with hanakoanime (t123) [bp016]
Received lion19, aggressivezone06, hacking18, jap05ishidaakira20 for participating in Gachapon - round 05
Received owarumademaster, immortalist14, jumpkick18, aidesho20 and one ticket for mastering owarumade
Received owarumade02/07/14 in exchange for 3 tickets in the Redemption Center
Received control09,giveareason02, hologram06 oz's odd one out - round 29
Traded calling01, tokidokiegao11/16, drawingdays for mystory01, nakedarms10, donten04 and bakudan15 with 00zags (t124)(t125)(t126)(t127)
Traded triangular04, pre-parade01, sailorfuku08, shoothigh20 for bakudan16, donten20, memoria11 and minamikaze06 and back stage passes with dearmykeysx (t128)(t129)(t130)(t131)[bp017]

April 03
Traded dorchadas18 for ringohiyori10 with experienced (t132)
Traded hologram06 for donten13 with jenybear (t133)
Received superdriver14, shokuzai05, apparition08 and cawcaw05 for participating in Ryuichi's Doodles - round 20

April 04
Received memoria06, twister01/16/17 from the service Vintage Box

April 05
Received 2mmix17 and refelction05 for participating in Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 24
Received crystalenergy18 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 28
Took ringohiyori01, miraichizu05, datengoku01, tomorrow06, mysweetheart08, morninggrace11, zero12, oathsign11, sugitatomokazu01, cooperation03 from Deck Release of April
Traded zero12 for ringohiyori12 with nyxnoxbox (t134)
Traded sugitatomokazu01 for ringohiyori with katou (t135)
Traded datengoku02 for ringohiyori04 with tsuyokunaru (t136)

April 06
Received lovers14, monogatari06, and tomorrow09 for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - Round 28
Received mesaze09, orion04, and bonvoyage11 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 28

April 07
Received warriors02, meikokurensa15, aidesho09 and orbitalbeat17 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 30 ✘ SPECIAL
Received jokernokuni02 and thousandenemies08 for participating in etude - round 14
Received trueself18, himitsunokichi03, innocent14, horoscope04 for participating in High Note - round 12
Received kemonomimi07, mesogiwiri05, donuts06, and hoshinosumika13 for participating in etude - round 15 (special)

April 08
Traded morninggrace11 fro ringohiyori09 with bringthefate (t137)
Traded mysweetheart08 for ringohiyori07 with radria (t138)
Traded miraichizu05 for ringohiyori02 with dearmykeysx (t139)
Received osuchuujin18 and shuffle08 for participating higher or lower - round 29
Received realize16 and foryou15 for participating in Ryuichi's Doodles - round 19
Received shigeattack02 and mamorubeki09 for participating in restoration - round 15
Received alittlepain10 and perfectarea15 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 19
Traded renaicirculation04 for olddays19 with experienced (t147)

April 09
Traded rollingstar12 for ringohiyori15 with hanakoanime (t140)
Traded candyline01 for ringohiyori19 with jenybear (t141)
Received yoshinohiroyukimaster, secretambition06, roseone04, thevocaloid03, cooperation04, one stamp and one star for Mastering yoshinohiroyuki

April 10
Traded oathsign11 for ringohiyori13 with zags00 (t140)
Exchanged 2 stamps for yoshinohiroyuki16/17 in the Redemption center
Exchanged 3 Grade Sheets for nightingale20, horoscope06, stardust09, bestarters20, matryoshka14, horoscope02, girldemo19, agony13, days10 and 6 stars in the Redemption Center

April 11
Received saitoshiwa19, romanesque19, rivalry11, theworld17 for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 07

April 13
Received myworld03, crowsong19, fire20, burnmydread16 in exchange for spell16/17 from Deck Collecting With Aichi - round 14
Received goodtimes11 and judgement02 for participating in Triton's Trivia - round 31

April 14
Received bewithyou05, heroscomeback01, gonnarain07 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 29
Received tripleh20, kittenrhapsody10, ranbumelody12 and one ticket for participating in Where Did This Image Come From? - Round 29 (Special!)
Exchanged 3 grade sheets for zero13, miraichizu13, noscared07, lastinferno12, bokunote17, kimiironoomoi06, shiningdays11, target313, kemonomimi03 and 6 stars in the Redemption Center

April 15
Traded jokernokuni02 for comeback11 with (t141)
Received two stickers for completing 02 tasks: 01) Mastered 3 regular decks and 02) Master 1 special deck for the Album Sheet
Received makemehappy15 and namidanomukou09 for participating in restoration - round 16

April 16
Traded target08 and hirari11 for mystory17 and friends10 with mongoosehwrs (t142)(t143)

April 18
Received stars17, changeofroses13, kowakunai01, foryourself04, flowers17 and one star for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 31

April 20
Received zetsuboubilly16, sweetnightmare18, prototype05, pantystocking11 and lostones09 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 30 (Special!)
Received one sticker for completing one task: Completed and traded in 6 grade sheets and payed the fee (10 stars)
Received cs_dan01 from Earn a Character Single
Received tsukiakari17 and mesorogiwi07 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 21
Traded days10 for aidesho06 with tsuyokunaru (t143)

April 21
Traded changeofroses13 for memoria09 with enfacade (t144)

April 24
Received complication20, sanagi04 and nobuts19 for participating in Compilation - round 09

April 25
Received tank03 and readordie04 for participating Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch - round 28
Received existence13, pokemonbw03, nagekinomori07 (Deck 01), koe18, rasetsu20, kesenai02 (Deck 02) and two tickets from Deck Donations: April

April 27
Received scenery09, sora19 and one star for participating in Who Said That Line - round 22
Received tothestereo11 and houkai18 for participating in Triton's trivia - round 33

April 28
Received oathsign05, moonlight04 and rewrite20 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu - round 31

April 30
Received tao17, prism04, scarletbullet05 and one ticket (Deck 03) from Deck Donations: April
Traded pantystocking16 for ringohiyori05 with danybel (t145)

May 02
Received sharetheworld17, ohayou09 and peakedhat03 for participating in DJ Mary's Mystery Melody - round 33
Received sogeking13, iconoclast12, and hanamaru19 for participating in Kiku's Memory Challenge - round 32

May 04
Received superdrive15, brandnewworld17, miraichizu03, mothersea14, nothankyou05 and one star for participating in Spring Event Day 02 - Name that Artist!

May 05
Traded hitintheusa17 for oathsign06 and Back stage passes with Grey (t146)
Received meiyakadenrou08, rosetwo13 for participating in Who Said That Line - round 23
Received 19sai06 and hitotoshite04 for participating in Ryuichi's Doodles - round 23
Received irinomiyu06 and boukendesho14 for participating in higher or lower - round 31
Received jap07 and prism18 for participating in higher or lower - round 32

May 06
Received aideshomaster, sagi-shi04, flyaway12, olddays02 and one ticket for mastering Aidesho
Received unistall01/02/03/04/05/06/07/09/10/11/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20, mystory04/05/06/12/14, nakedarms20, tozasareta04, ohayou06/13/19, overthesky09/12/13/16/19, cloudage08/10, sugitatomokazu01/03/13/15/16 and cosmosvsalien02/03/05/07/12/14/17/18/19 as a parting gift from katou
Traded mukoue for party02 with jenybear (148)

May 07
Received comeback20, irinomiyu16, brokenyouth07, olddays04/05, merry-go-round14, pre-parade09, blaze16 two tickets and two stars for Leveling up twice (From level 03 to level 05)

May 08
Received uso01, poltergeist02, roseone15, sakukoro18 and one stamp for participating in Masami's Music Room Mayhem - round 09 (Special)

May 09
Traded thevocaloid03 for memoria08 with hanakoanime (t147)

May 11
Received anohinogogo01, cagayake07 and soramimi08 for participating in Who's that Seiyuu 32
Received omokage15, secretbase17, dekirukoto17, donten05 and one stamp for participating in oz's odd one out ✘ round 32

May 14
Received aidesho12/13/14/17 in exchange for 4 tickets in the redemption center

May 16
Received asterisk02/13, memoria19, mystory07 and nakedarms04 from the service Vintage box

May 19
Received uninstall11, target417 for participating in high note 14
Received two tickets and one stamp for participating in high note 15

May 22
Took nijiironokuma02, party03, family20 and family12 from the May release
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