Dec 31, 2004 15:13
"We are never in doubt as to God's willingness to save the most hopeless human being. Why can we be so certain? Because we have been taught the Bible truth in this regard.
We have been taught from childhood that salvation is for all who believe, because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
Had we been taught the truth in regard to healing for the body as positively as we have been taught the truth in regard to spiritual salvation, people would believe for healing the same way that they believe for regeneration. . .
The reason more people are not healed is because of a lack of preaching and teaching these truths. . . Since faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), then, if we expect the people to have faith to recieve God's divine blessing of physical healing, we must teach them these scriptural truths which alone can build faith for this blessing.
How many people would be saved if they never heard a mesage on salvation? Or if, when the subject of salvation was addressed, the main points expounded were:
1) Maybe it isn't God's will to save you.
2) Perhaps your sin is for God's glory.
3) Perhaps God is using this sin to chastise you.
4) Be patient in your sin until God wills to save you.
5) The day of miracles (conversion) is past.
How many would recieve faith to be saved through such messages?
Yet these are about the only points many sick people hear concerning God's provision for physical healing. It is easy to understand why many are not healed today."
-Dr. T. L. Osborn, Healing The Sick